Roczniki Pastoralno-Katechetyczne, 2013, T. 5 (60)

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  • Miniatura
    Miejsce i rola wspóczesnych mediów w katechezie
    Mąkosa, Paweł (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    In the reflection carried out attempts to answer the question about the relationship between catechesis and media in Poland. It was agreed that the guarantee of orthodoxy and integrity of catechesis give only the Catholic media, acting under control of the competent authority of the Church. In the course of reflection have been presented indications of the Church concerning the mass media and criteria for their catholicity. It has been shown the importance of media for catechesis and presented the most important existing in Poland Catholic media and their coverage. Among the postulates dominated those concerning the creation of Catholic media and the preparation of professional staff who would take care about both content and form.
  • Miniatura
    Niewidomi we wspólnocie Kościoła
    Lipiec, Dariusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    The visually impaired person is created in the image of God, as is the person with normal vision. The impairment does not infringe on the dignity of the impaired. The impaired person is a fully-fledged subject, enjoying all the rights that relate to his/her belonging to the Church and society. The visually impaired are incorporated into the Church through Baptism. They undertake their Christian and personal vocation in the Church. The impairment makes the vocation of an impaired person unique. It is one of its kind and can me more difficult than that of a person with normal vision. The visually impaired are also called to participate in apostolic action – in the form they are fit for. Their apostolic activity mostly consists in giving the testimony of their Christian life, their acceptance of the suffering and devoting it to Christian causes, and in their prayer. The Church community offers them spiritual, psychological and material support.
  • Miniatura
    Rodzina szkołą modlitwy
    Kobak, Jan (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Prayer makes people grow and it shows the supernatural dimension of the family community. The family is called to participate in liturgical, community and individual types of prayer. The most important forms of family prayer include: the Eucharist, sacramental celebrations, the Horarium, occasional blessings, contemplating and sharing the Word of God, Holy Rosary, Cult of the Most Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus, of God Mercy, of Holy Virgin Mary, pilgrimages and acts of folk devotion. The family is called to foster sacramental life and prayer practices of its members. This spiritual growth of the family takes places through bearing everyday testimony and the mutual prayer support on the part of the family members, as well as the educational initiatives for the children. Family prayer comes to fruition in the form of prayer apostolate, whose aims reach beyond the family. Religious associations and family religious movements play a significant role in the developing of family prayer and prayer apostolate.
  • Miniatura
    Katechetyczne znaczenie postawy kreatywnej
    Zając, Marian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    The renewal in proclaiming the Gospel can take place through renewed catechetical activities that transgress the conventional religion classroom dynamics. This is why we should be talking about a creative religion teacher, who can face the challenge of the present. The present calls for fresh perspectives on catechesis and for bidding the farewell to the prehistoric approach to religious education. Creativity is not a science but is a feature displayed by all to a smaller or larger extent. Creativity can be nourished and developed, and the readiness to undertake unconventional action can be trained. A creative mind is not happy recreating the things that one already knows. A creative mind is critical to the status quo and strives to make it better. Preparing teachers to be creative in their catechetical efforts can employ brainstorming, the Lotus Blossom Technique or storyboarding. These techniques allow people to discuss their ideas, develop them, add new ones and to define the relations that obtain between these ideas. To become a creative religion teacher, one needs to avoid mental clichés and face bravely the dangers and challenges of their catechetical work. Creativity is endorsed by the atmosphere of trust, and the reliance on principles of justice, kindness and respect to the opinions held by others, even though their ideas seem unrealistic or futuristic. Creativity should emerge in these areas of catechetical influence where one can diagnose considerable degree of demotivation, routine, disempowerment or where religion is being marginalized or eliminated from the domain of the state’s educational responsibility.
  • Miniatura
    Nowa ewangelizacja – w poszukiwaniu nowych form i metod głoszenia dobrej nowiny. Na marginesie dokumentu pt. „Nowa ewangelizacja dla przekazu wiary chrześcijańskiej. Lineamenta”
    Fiałkowski, Marek (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Benedict XVI’s launching of the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, of the XIII Ordinary General Assembly of the Bishops, devoted to the new evangelization, and finally the Lineamenta published in 2011 make a good starting point for the Church’s rethinking of its identity and mission. This paper touches upon the issue of the new evangelization, starting from defining its essence, and then it comes to present – drawing upon the Lineamenta – the major forms and methods of transmitting the Gospel that seems to be the most effective in contemporary world. Of utmost importance is the Church’s loyalty to the mission bestowed on her by Christ. Also important is that the Church understands the processes that take place in the world to which Christ sends His disciples, as teachers and witnesses of the Good News. Noteworthy is the initiative called „Courtyard of the Gentiles”, which is an interesting proposal of a dialogue with people seeking God.
  • Miniatura
    Typy psychologiczne w recepcji i przekazie Słowa Bożego
    Chaim, Władysław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    This paper presents research on the use of C. G. Jung’s personality typology in pastoral work, especially in preaching and sermons. This paper shows one of the many uses of psychology in pastoral work. Jung’s typology and the related empirical methodology can be used to describe and psychologically interpret the interaction between a text and a sermon; between the preaching and the listener. Moreover, these tools also allow the theological and hermeneutic advancement in the reception of the Bible, written and spoken sermons, and to get insight into the psychological principles governing the choice of content and style of preaching. One of the most important research advancements in this domain is the SIFT Method of Biblical Interpretation and Liturgical Preaching. Research results may help preachers reflect upon their practice and make them prone to use this knowledge in their pastoral practice.
  • Miniatura
    Formacja permanentna w służbie rozwoju osobowości katechety
    Wrońska, Halina (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Permanent formation is related to periodic formation and is understood as its extension, undertaken in order to empower the teacher to participate in contemporary religious education and its curriculum design. Therefore, the nature, the contents and the methodology of permanent formation all depend on the degree and type of educational background acquired through academic courses. The major function of the permanent formation is making the teachers capable of personal growth through enhancing the professional skills they developed during the studies. The effectiveness of religious education is not, first and foremost, dependent on the contents and methods of instruction, but on the teacher: his/her personal maturity and spiritual advancement, his acquaintance with contemporary life, his interpersonal skills and readiness to stay in dialogue with others. Rapid changes in human mentality and the deeper understanding of what religious education really is impose a challenge upon the teacher to undertake permanent formation, in both the realm of the matter and of the spirit; intellectual and methodological. The formation of the religion teacher largely depends on his/her acquisition of declarative and procedural knowledge, but the main task they face is their becoming pro-active and empowered, so that they can see their strong points, make them even stronger and use them effectively for influencing their environment. Personal growth needs constant improvement and requires sensitivity to the need of renewal and social participation. Of utmost importance is the teacher’s opening to God and to the problems of contemporary world, his/her contemplation of the Bible and active participation in the life of the Church. All these efforts should shape the religion teacher into a dynamic, pro-active person, capable of effective interpersonal contact. Otherwise, the teacher is very unlikely to be effective in his/her didactic impact. The proper understanding and profiling of the teacher’s formation which takes part in the community and through the community ensures effective catechetical education.
  • Miniatura
    Osobowość duszpasterza rodzin według ks. prof. Piotra Poręby
    Pyźlak, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    The article is about the process of developing the personality of a family minister according to the concept of Father Piotr Poreba. The personality of a family minister is shown as the general type of behaviour and the way of acting conditioned by the biological condition, the psychical condition and the family background of the family minister. In the general formulation of the issue, the author distinguishes the features and the attitudes of the family minister’s personality. The main features of a family minister are: the vocation, the care for the family life, the pastoral abilities, the ability to observe and to properly judge a situation, the social skills, the ability to sympathize to a family; whereas the attitudes of a family minister are the ones proving: the living faith, the coexistence, the eagerness to communicate with others, the eagerness to serve, the selfless, unconditioned love, and the Christian authenticity. The personality of a family minister develops through the innate activity as well as through the influence of other people.
  • Miniatura
    Methodological Paradigms in the Contemporary Pastoral Theology
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Theological fields of study are commonly divided into historical, systematic, and practical ones. Pastoral theology belongs undoubtedly to the last group. What is more, it does really cooperate with those fields, relying mostly on the normative factors in order to reach its own conclusions. Not to mention, a set of deductive methods that pastoral theologians use and which are typical of the historical and systematic theology. However, those deductive methods are ineffective in the context of the challenges that the contemporary pastoral theology must face. The aim of such a theology is to create models of redemptory activity of individuals as well as various groups of Christians. The models must meet the latest socio-cultural demands. In order to propose models of effective redemptory activity, it is necessary to analyze regularly the dynamic social reality of the Church. This in turn demands using inductive methods. The difficulty to carry out such new research in pastoral theology, also known as practical theology, lies in the appropriate combination of both deductive and inductive methods. In this context, the scientific question of methodological paradigms in pastoral theology is raised. According to Cardijn’s paradigm, the redeeming situation should be recognized, then judged in line with theological criteria, and, on the basis of this confrontation, draw pastoral conclusions about the current activity of the Church. The paradigm of three-stage theological-pastoral analysis is used often in Poland, especially in the KUL (John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin) environment, the foundations of which were laid by the authors representing ecclesiological fields of pastoral theology (K. Rahner, H. Schuster, F. Klostermann). The paradigm of analysis of praxeological ministerial activities refers to the general theory of action, in which the particular elements of actions are analysed, i.e. the aim, object, subject (the environment), methods, means, as well as historical, social and cultural conditions, etc. A good command of methodological paradigms seems to be indispensable to carry out studies and start reflection in pastoral theology.
  • Miniatura
    Kierunek personalistyczny w katechezie
    Goliszek, Piotr (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    The personalistic profiling of the catechetic didactics puts the category of "person” in the core of its teaching methodology, and of its all educative and initiation efforts. This approach to religious education also adopts personalistic understanding of the Revelation and the faith, thanks to which religious education builds a community of people united around the Person of Jesus Christ. This community allows for the unique form of dialogue between God and man. The nature of this dialogue is soteriological: the personal worlds of God and man overlap, which allows man to cling fully – as a person and as an existence – to the redeeming Truth – Jesus Christ. In its personalistic dimension, religious education serves man in the reality and of his/her existence. It leads to a personal communion with Christ, it supports man on his/her path towards self-comprehension and self-development, which makes man self-realize him/herself as a person, makes him/her grow and thrive.
  • Miniatura
    Udział katechety w przekazywaniu wiary w świetle „Instrumentum laboris” XIII Zwyczajnego Zgromadzenia Ogólnego Synodu Biskupów
    Ceglarek, Roman (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    Nowadays the Church has a great challenge connected with taking up evangelization again. It must be an answer to signs of the times, to the needs of present people and to the conditions in which the man lives. In these complex and difficult realities there is a need for Christians capable of sharing their faith, who will keep on preaching with fervour and apostolic enthusiasm. As it is indicated in Instrumentum laboris, catechists can cope with this task. They are the subjects of passing on the faith and they are responsible for its preaching. In the document there are suggestions about how they should carry out their mission. However, they need more detailed elaboration. All these matters are to be discussed during 13th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. We must hope that they will meet specific solutions, becoming an impulse to greater involvement in passing on the faith by catechists participating in the new evangelization through their service.
  • Miniatura
    Ständiger Diakonat – Eine Frucht des II. Vatikanums
    Baumann, Klaus (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2013)
    The 2nd Vatican Council restored the sacramental ministry of permanent deacons with the possibility of local churches to realize it in their realm. This article first sketches the impulses for this restoral by the priests detained in the Nazilager of Dachau and by the vocation of Hannes Kramer, then the biblical impulses and developments of the early Christian Church. In addition, it recalls the disappearance of permanent deacons due to role conflicts between deacons and priests. The awareness of these potentials for conflict is a legacy for the clarification of the restored ministry of deacons, highlighted, too, by Pope Benedict XVI. His magisterium offers stimuli for further reflections on a ministry (ministerium) of female deacons as discussed by the International Theological Commission.