Roczniki Teologiczne, 2000, T. 47, z. 6

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  • Miniatura
    Zadania duszpasterskie Kościoła w Polsce w świetle przemówień Jana Pawła II do biskupów polskich przybyłych z wizytą „ad limina Apostolorum” w 1998 r.
    Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    Being based on invariable principles, pastorate has to be always sensitive to the changing circumstances of time and place. Hence, it faces the constant task of reading and recognizing “the signs of time” and searching for adequate responses to the world’s challenges. This is not an easy mission, which the Church in Poland finds out when it undertakes the difficult tasks of the transformation period. The pastoral directions for the Church in Poland contained in John Paul II's speeches to the Polish bishops who came to Rome with the “ad limina” visit provide assistance in this respect. Analysis of these speeches from the point of view of the most important tasks and challenges that the Church in Poland is facing on the eve of the Great Jubilee of the year 2000 is the content of the article.
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    Bóg w Trójcy Świętej jedyny: Ojciec, Syn i Duch Święty w wielkopostnych homiliach Liturgii Godzin
    Głowa, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    Homilies designed for the period of Lent and included in the Liturgy of the Hours touch upon a lot of interesting issues that are connected with that period. One of them is the One God in the Holy Trinity: God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Presence of each of Persons of God in these homilies allows the reader to correctly look at mutual relations between God the Father, God’s Son and the Holy Spirit and also at their relation to man. This cognition of the one God in three persons done with one’s heart, in the normal order of things, should lead to loving Him and result in introducing Him to the very centre of ones life.
  • Miniatura
    Pojęcie i problematyka teologii pastoralnej
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    A debate is still going on about the conception of pastoral theology as a theological discipline. In this situation there is an urgent need of a critical and at the same time synthetic view of pastoral theology, of the problem of this discipline, of its theological and practical character and of its relation to other disciplines. Presentation of the above issues in one article may be helpful in giving answers to the questions considered important by modern pastoral theologians. Being a study of the Church's activities pastoral theology reflects on them on the basis of results of theological studies as well as of the experimental sciences data. Skipping the theological aspect would lead this discipline to a “technique of pastorate” taking away what is essential for every branch of theology. Neglecting the empirical element would lead to fossilisation of pastoral theology and separating it from real life. Pastoral theology has to take into consideration both the theological truths and empirical data. It has to remain in close connection with other branches of theology and with humanities that decipher signs of the time. Contemporary pastoral theology is an independent theological discipline that has its aim, subject of the studies and methodology. As a discipline dealing with the Church’s activities in their actual conditions it reflects on them on the basis of theological studies and of empirical sciences data. Contemporary reflection and pastoral studies usually have a multidisciplinary, inter-disciplinary and intra-disciplinary character.
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    Duszpasterstwo prezbiterów. Formy i kierunki rozwoju
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    Many presbyters claim that the priest makes himself sacred by engaging in his everyday pastoral activities, and especially by officiating “sacred services” Hence many of them do not consider it necessary to carry on a special kind of pastorate giving aid to them. A deep crisis considering the priest’s identity and the role he should play in the contemporary Church and in the world, often involving also his spiritual-moral condition, which was revealed in the West after the Council, also occurs in the Church in Poland. This situation cannot be treated as a reason to despair but it makes one conclude that also the priest is not fully self-sufficient in his way to salvation and he needs a pastorate that would be adequate to his position in the Church and in the society. It is not just the many-sided permanent formation that is meant here, but it is a pastorate in the full sense of the word. Pastorate of presbyters may be defined as a particular form of category or group pastorate carried out by the Church in order to sanctify and redeem diocesan priests. It has its theological foundation in the fact that priests belong to God’s People. Within the range of its tasks it deals with priests as people, as Christians and as ones engaged in pastoral work. It strives after securing aid for the priest not only in his personal sanctification but also in accomplishing his mission in the world. It also aims at building a fraternal community of priests - a presbytery - around the diocesan bishop. The subject of the pastoral work aimed at priests is the whole Church, and the greatest responsibility for it must be assumed by the diocesan bishop. The article first shows the historical development of the Church’s concern for presbyters. Next it presents the theological foundations of the diocesan priests pastorate. They follow first of all from contemporary ecclesiology and from the post-Council theology of priesthood. Then the subject and object of the Church’s redeeming activity are described. Finally, the article presents various suggestions concerning the forms and means of pastoral care for priests as well as its present state and perspectives for its development.
  • Miniatura
    Poglądy Paula Tillicha na temat kairos a współczesne opracowania teologii pastoralnej
    Bielecki, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    Paul Tillich (1886-1965) as a theologian and philosopher with very broad interests made the Greek notion kairos popular and he included it in his considerations of the meaning of history. Unfortunately, his kairology is based not so much on the ancient meanings of this term as rather on philosophical assumptions. Tillich’s views have considerably influenced modern theology, including moral theology. His way of understanding kairos has been uncritically accepted by contemporary pastoralists. This can be seen in studies by F. Klostermann, P M. Zulehner, M. Midaly and S. Lanza.
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    Recepcja Pisma św. jako źródła homilii w kazaniach niedzielnych dla dorosłych „Biblioteki Kaznodziejskiej” i „Współczesnej Ambony”
    Broński, Włodzimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    The subject or the present study is the reception of the Holy Bible as a source of Sunday homilies for adults published in the „Biblioteka Kaznodziejska” and the „Współczesna Ambona” The posed problem was solved by presenting the Church’s directions concerning the issue and then showing how the directions are practically used in the 405 homilies for adults in the „Biblioteka Kaznodziejska” and in the 219 homilies in the „Współczesna Ambona” Because of the considerably long period of time in which the homilies were published and of their great number the source material had been chosen at random, respecting the requirements of sociological studies. Then, on the basis of analysis of the source material assessment was made of reception of the Holy Bible as the source of homilies and then homiletic postulates were formulated.
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    Zadania pastoralne kapelanów w społeczeństwie pluralistycznym
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    Preaching God’s word, liturgical pastorate and pastoral work belong to the functions of ordinary pastorate addressed to all faithful, serving fulfillment of their common religious needs. However, there are religious needs typical of only certain people or groups of people in a given environment. Pastoral care for people who cannot avail themselves of ordinary pastorate is taken by extraordinary pastorate that includes special and specialist kinds of pastorate. It is an important task for the conference of bishops in a given country, but also for particular diocesan bishops and for presbyters in parishes. In special pastorate an important role is played by chaplains, especially ones working in hospitals, hospices and prisons. There is never too much stressing the rank and importance of these tasks. A lot of reasons justify putting these three kinds of service side by side. First of all the individual dimensions of pastoral service should be pointed to that locates this kind of pastoral activity within special pastorate as well as a similar psychosocial situation of the people to whom the service is addressed. The article presents the social-cultural context of pastorate in a pluralistic society, the theological foundations of chaplains’ work, their essential tasks, the patients’ expectations form the chaplain on the example of the hospice community as well as conclusions and pastoral activities.
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    Pojęcie modlitwy u katechizowanych
    Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    In the article the problem of the notion of prayer that the catechized people have was undertaken in a theoretical-empirical way. First, against the background of religious education the issue of teaching children to pray was discussed. The need was stressed to teach praying at kindergarten or even earlier, by the parents’ example. Teaching to pray should be linked to education in faith and to liturgy. Theological and anthropological approaches to prayer (according to W Albrecht - the levels of prayer) were reminded; it was stressed that it has elements that can be taught and mysterious ones, as it is both God’s and man’s work. The notion of prayer in the Catechism o f the Catholic Church, as God’s gift, a chance for covenant and communion between man and the Creator, was shown. From the catechization program the notion of prayer was reminded. In the empirical part the learned definitions of prayer (most often the answer was that it is a conversation with God) and personal approaches (which were less frequent but more diversified) were presented on the basis of responses to two selected questions (from studies of 1300 subjects attending primary schools and 441 attending secondary ones).
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    Modele współczesnej katechezy dorosłych
    Lombaerts, Herman (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    The article by Professor H. Lombaerts “Models of modern catechesis for adults” begins with the statement that after Vatican Council II great transformations have occurred in the post-industrial society and the Christian community again and constantly has to support adults. The article consists of two parts. The first one is about looking for new models for adult catechesis in the Christian community. The second one presents an andragogical approach to catechesis for adults, i. e. an attempt to present the models. The first model of transmission is based on the typical educational relation teacher-pupil. The second model is concentrated on the person; it is conducted in a group where care is taken of the religious development through consciousness of the self, an inner image of oneself, experiences and their interpretation. The third model is concerned with profession of faith in the social context (W Lesne) and has its roots in solidarity with people. The didactic model tries to discover adults’ needs and on the basis of theories of learning to involve them in catechesis. And finally, there is the dissonance model that is especially useful in various religious experiences and in obligations resulting from faith. In the pastoral-catechetic conclusions it was reminded that the model of transmission stresses the meaning of the contents, and when it is concentrated on the person, it emphasizes the person’s development. The profession of faith model stresses social interactions, the didactic one is concerned with a well-planned process of learning and the dissonance one with the value of questions asked in one’s life. The one and only model does not exist; models must be critically chosen depending on the existing situation.
  • Miniatura
    Formacja diakonów stałych
    Marczewski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    The documents concerning permanent deaconship (Congregation for Catholic Education, Congregation for the Clergy. Directions concerning formation of constant deacons: Directory on service and life of permanent deacons. The Varican 1998) that have been published recently (22.02.1998) extremely strongly stress the importance of permanent deacons which has its human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral dimensions. Moreover, attention is drawn to the necessity to carry out not only the initial formation that prepares a deacon to being ordained, but also the permanent one. The present study in which the author refers to, among others, sociological research (G. Wollmann 1983; A. Weiß 1992) is a discerning and critical commentary on the newly published Church documents. In the part concerning doctrinal formation attention was focused on finding convenient solutions to the problem when the formation is introduced in Poland.
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    Intensywność postawy religijnej małżonków a ich ustosunkowanie się do metod planowania rodziny
    Tomkiewicz, Antoni; Osmałek, Katarzyna (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    The main aim of the article was to show the interrelation between intensity of the spouses’ religious attitude and their attitude towards family planning methods. The article consists of two parts. In the first one the issues are contained that are related to the religious attitude as a factor that modifies one’s attitude towards family planning methods. Particular family planning methods are characterized in very general terms and their influence is presented on the spouses’ mental life; also the Church’s attitude towards the issue of family planning methods is shown. The second part - an empirical one - is an analysis of the results of studies of 120 spouses that were carried out. The studies clearly confirmed the assumption that the stronger is the spouses’ religious attitude the more positive is their attitude to the natural family planning methods. On the basis of the empirical data it was found that people with a high intensity of the religious attitude use the natural methods more often than people with a low degree of religiousness. The results of the conducted studies also showed that there is a significant difference between various groups of subjects as to the information they have about family planning methods. The results are in favour of the group of people with high intensity of the religious attitude.
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    Katechezy ojców Kościoła w Godzinie Czytań Liturgii Godzin
    Słotwińska, Helena (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    Catechesis is a form of the service of the word in the Church. Its aim is to educate children, young people and adults in faith, first of all by systematically teaching them the Christian doctrine. In the Church of the first centuries catechesis was a widespread form of teaching. Stress was put in it mainly on ethical issues such as: prayer, virginity, marital life, holy sacraments and the principles of living in a community. In the Hour of Reading, according to the tradition of the Roman Church, a reading from the Holy Bible was followed by reading that was an excerpt from the works by the Fathers of the Church or Church authors. Patristic readings give the faithful a possibility to get to the core of the meaning of liturgical periods and holidays, as they give them access to the invaluable spiritual treasures that are the Church’s inheritance and at the same time they strengthen the Christian spirituality and enliven the religiousness of the faithful. These patristic readings included in the second place in the Hour or Reading of the Liturgy of the Hours, after the reading from the Holy Bible, are taken first of all from homilies, commentaries, original works, treatises and documents of Vatican Council II. However, we also find catecheses by the Fathers of the Church there. Liturgy of the Hours uses the eleven catecheses by St. Cyril of Jerusalem that are devoted to the three periods of the liturgical year and two catecheses by St. John Chrysostom for the period of Lent. These catecheses touch upon the essential issues of particular periods. Analysing the catecheses we notice the relation that exists between some of them and the first reading from the Bible.
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    Chrześcijańska duchowość rodziny a paradygmat postmodernizmu
    Parysiewicz, Beata (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
    The article undertakes the problem of the effect of post-modernism on Christian spirituality of the family and its social consequences. Christian spirituality is understood as the inner, non-materialistic dimension of family life on which the material culture of the family depends. Christian spirituality of the family has its source in the view of life of the people the family consists of. The dogmas of Creation, Incarnation and some elements of the Catholic ecclesiology belong to the most important premises influencing that view. Features of the Catholic marriage as well as its aims and functions follow from them. Spirituality of the Christian family is seen in putting into effect the values that are connected with the Christian view of life and have influence on social life. Post-modernism as a trend in social life puts forward theses in the eight fundamental areas: in philosophy - atheism; in anthropology - anti-substantiality of the 1; in epistemology - conventionality of the theory, truth and the whole cognition; in ethics - moral situationism and utilitarianism; in linguistics - autonomy of the meaning from the world and the subject; in art. - anti hierarchism of the artistic and aesthetic means; in history - anti-teologism; in politics - anti-fundamentalism; it also stresses political and geographical localism. Freedom, to which everything must be subordinated, becomes the paradigm. Such an approach to social reality is tantamount to dealing a blow on the Christian spirituality of the family, and in this way on all the fundamental values fostered by the Christian family in the dimensions of both inner and social life.
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    III Forum Pastoralne Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w Szombatheley 28.02-03.03.1999
    Przygoda, Wiesław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
  • Miniatura
    Chorzy i niepełnosprawni w centrum Kościoła. Sprawozdanie z sympozjum z okazji 70-lecia Apostolstwa Chorych, Katowice, 7-8 kwietnia 1999 r.
    Fiałkowski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
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    Kronika Instytutu Teologii Pastoralnej KUL za rok akademicki 1998/99
    Bielecki, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
  • Miniatura
    Harold G. Koenig, Andrew J. Weaver. Pastoral Care of Older Adults. Creative Pastoral Care and Counseling. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 1998, ss. 98.
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)
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    Genevieve Blen, Marilyn Kofler, Kevin O’Connor. Handbook for Ministers of Care. Chicago: Liturgy Training Pub. 1997 ss. 89.
    Kalinowski, Mirosław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2000)