Roczniki Teologii Dogmatycznej, 2012, T. 4(59)

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  • Miniatura
    La Madre de Dios en la teología Ortodoxa
    José Ramón, Villar Saldaña (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Znaczący jest fakt, iż obecność Maryi w kulcie Kościoła Prawosławnego daje się pogodzić z brakiem traktatu mariologicznego. Bogactwo tradycji prawosławnej nie zostało przełożone na analogiczne zainteresowanie spekulatywne. Istnieje obawa przed zracjonalizowaniem tajemnicy. Podręczniki teologii prawosławnej nie zawierają oddzielnego traktatu z mariologii. Czymś naturalnym jest, że nauka o Matce Bożej znajduje się w ramach chrystologii. Prawda o Bożym macierzyństwie Maryi jest bardziej prawdą chrystologiczną, niż mariologiczną. „Mariologia” prawosławna jest wyrazem dogmatu chrystologicznego, a jej normą i kryterium jest relacja jedności z misterium Chrystusa.
  • Miniatura
    Kochać znaczy widzieć. Wokół teologicznej epistemologii J. Ratzingera/Benedykta XVI
    Szymik, Jerzy (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    J. Ratzinger/Benedict XVI indicates existential and moral conditions underlying our understanding of God: our original experience in relations with others, the first image of God, instilled in us, but also our personal decisions, including ethical choices. Finally, a man seeks the source of security or a threat to his/her own freedom in God’s look (the Eye of Providence). Consequently he/she accepts or rejects God as a witness of his/her own fate. The Pope convinces that a humble consent for being visible constitutes a sign of conversion, which in turn leads to understanding God a Faithful Witness, who can see and save us.
  • Miniatura
    Trynitarny charakter wiary chrześcijańskiej
    Barth, Grzegorz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The mystery of the Trinitarian God is not a theological puzzle, or an intriguing but distant bit of information about God that has no real bearing on our daily life. The faith in the Trinity creates the general spiritual environment in which Christians can live. To keep Trinity in the heart of the Christian faith, it must be treated seriously. It must be defined as the belief in a real Trinitarian God, who wanted to present Himself to humanity in this way. This postulate that is often called „a Trinitarian turn” imposes two main tasks on its followers: Firstly, to consolidate the whole variety of theological expositions in the light of the Trinitarian truth. Secondly, to find common grounds for the Trinitarian truth and the Christian and, generally, human experience. Realizing both tasks enlivens the perception of the Holy Trinity as a foundation for the perception and interpretation of the Christian doctrine, the totality of human life and of the universe.
  • Miniatura
    Magiczne i teologiczne aspekty medycyny ludowej
    Walęciuk-Dejneka, Beata; Nadbrzeżny, Antoni (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    This paper is interdisciplinary in its approach. Its objective is to present traditional and theological aspects of folk medicine, so closely related to the faith and devotion of the rural communities. The authors present a variety of folk therapeutic practices, diagnosis and etiology of diseased. They also analyse the intrinsic logic of the speech and gestures used in the healing actions. The authors try to identify the Christian and the pagan (including magical) elements used in the healing rites and show the importance of folk medicine for theology as an academic discipline but also for the pastoral practice of the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Człowiek – manifestacja wszechświata. Ewolucja człowieka według teilhardyzmu
    Słowińska, Barbara (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Peter Teilhard de Chardin was a French researcher of prehistoric man and a creator of an original evolutionist system. He distinguished the following basic stages of human growth: somatic, psychological, cultural and spiritual. Although they are different developmental stages, when taken together, they account for the history of humanity. The originality and the relevance of Teilhard de Chardin’s thought is emphasized, among others by Cz. S. Bartnik. The latter researcher stresses that for de Chardin, the past does not mean decline, but climbing from the abyss to the top, like in the Alpha-to-Omega Point progress. The past ceases to be regarded as a cursed Moloch, but it starts to be seen a blessed giver of life, unswervingly actualizing the gift of creation. Thus, it seems that the growth of the human being is not endangered by stagnation or exhaustion. Hominization is continuously going on. Humanity evolves as a genre. It is human duty to get to know human nature. The bottom line is not to merely learn about the development stages of humanity, but first and foremost, it is to improve, to be more and more human, up to the ultimate of human growth.
  • Miniatura
    Parabola humanizmu naturalistycznego (II). Człowiek osobą czy przyrodą?
    Serretti, Massimo (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    In the second part of his paper (the first part was published in the 2011 issue of Yearbook of Dogmatic Theology), Massimo Serretti, an Italian theologian and personalist, shows that the parallel use of two terms, nature and person, is fundamental for the development of anthropology. The history of philosophical thought has proved that the gradual separation of those two categories has led to the rejection of the very notion of human nature, diminishing the value of the concept of human itself, understood materialistically and biologically. In the first part of his paper, Serretti concluded that the origin of the contemporary anthropological personalism is to be found in the Trinitarian doctrine.
  • Miniatura
    John Paul II’s Ecclesiology of Communio as a Gift to the World
    Nowosad, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Wizja Kościoła jako komunii (łac. communio, grec. koinonia) jest wyraźnie obecna w dokumentach Vaticanum II i jawi się według Jana Pawła II jako wiodąca posoborowa koncepcja eklezjologiczna. Liczne wypowiedzi papieskie ukazują złożoną sytuację współczesnego świata, czemu szczególne świadectwo dają adhortacje, które ukazały się jako owoc zwoływanych przez Jana Pawła II synodów biskupów dla poszczególnych kontynentów. Zarówno te adhortacje, jak i kilka innych dokumentów Papieża pozwalają zrozumieć całość wizji eklezjologii komunii. U jej fundamentu jest komunia trynitarna Ojca i Syna w Duchu Świętym, czego owocem z kolei jest komunia ludzi z Bogiem i między sobą w Mistycznym Ciele Chrystusa. Ta komunia staje się udziałem ludzi przez wiarę i chrzest, a realizuje się stale szczególnie w Eucharystii. Według Jana Pawła II wizja Kościoła jako communio ma przynieść liczne owoce, jak pogłębione, integralne samorozumienie człowieka, misja i dialog Kościoła ze światem, co ma doprowadzić do głębokiej przemiany ludzkości. Dar komunii należy uznać za podstawowy dar Boga–Stwórcy i Zbawcy dla świata, który poprzez grzech utraci życiodajną więź z Bogiem i dozna głębokich podziałów wewnętrznych.
  • Miniatura
    Zasada jedności wiary Kościoła według harmonii Adama H. Pocieja
    Moskałyk, Jarosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Presented here general idea of understanding the unity of faith in the Church according to Ipatij Potij (Hipacy Pociej), the Kiev Metropolitan, seems to cast a new light on the very phenomenon of integrating the union into the Ruthenian Church. Potij claimed that the greatest enemy of the uniatic process in Ruthenia are the persons and institutions not interested in serving the Church as the lively centre of spiritual life of the whole society. That is why he developed his own view concerning maintaining of the unity in the Kiev Church after the union was formed, and the permanent bonds of Christianity in Ruthenia with the traditional Eastern heritage and full relationship with the universal dimension of the Church. It was extremely open vision and at the same time filled with creative inspiration.
  • Miniatura
    Jezus Chrystus, Zbawiciel człowieka. Teologia pośrednictwa Josepha Ratzingera
    Lekan, Janusz (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    One of the fundamental concerns of Joseph Ratzinger, as a theologian, has been (and still is for Benedict XVI) the presentation of Christ, the incarnated Word, as the only personal answer to the question of the meaning of life and of salvation. That is why his reflection, taking place in an environment of post-conciliar christology maimed by the crisis, puts emphasis on finding the evangelical Christ, by being both a critical and trusting christology. For Ratzinger, the Saviour of men is an epistemological key to the cognition of the eternal Logos, as well as the role of Mary in His incarnation and mission. The aim of this article is to present basic elements of understanding the person and works of Logos, incarnated as the Mediator of our salvation. The reflection consists of three stages. The first one is the presentation of the identity of Christ, the incarnated Logos. It is the christology of unity (the reflection on the unity in Christ), which has a number of dimensions. The second stage is the issue of Mary’s role in the cognition of the identity of the only Saviour (the vision and role of mariology in the whole of Ratzinger’s theological scheme; the nature of maternal mediation). Finally, we shall look into the mystery of the only Saviour of men as the foundation of discovering and building men’s own identity and the Marian dimension of our salvation. Ratzinger’s christology appears to centre on the cognition of God and on Christ as the central point of Revelation. Salvation equates to „being filled with Christ’s countenance”, which we shall experience in the resurrection. A Christian heads for this fulfillment by looking at the cross and contemplating Jesus Christ, with the maternal presence of His and our Mother.
  • Miniatura
    „Równi aniołom” (Łk 20, 36). Płeć człowieka w perspektywie wieczności
    Kunka, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    A Christian reflection on human life flows from the person of Jesus Christ. Currently, „the mentality of gender” is being developed. This necessitates showing the meaning of sex for a human being. The meaning of masculinity and femininity for a risen man can be inferred from the Gospel accounts of the Risen Lord. In conversation with the Sadducees (cf. Lk 20, 27-36) Jesus shows that the risen participants of the future world to come will be transformed. The marriage and the procreation will be transformed, but it doesn’t mean that the sexuality in the risen body will be negated. The risen bodies will still be marked by the masculinity or the femininity, but they will express their „nuptial” meaning in some other way. The words of Jesus have also great importance for the theological meaning of virginity and celibacy. These states of life are prelude to the „nuptial” meaning of the body in an eschatological aspect. However, in the resurrection, the relationships between human beings do not lose their importance. They will be transformed. It has the connection with the reference of all to God. A saved man will experience communion with the Triune God. The man will live in a perfect union with God by seeing Him „face to face”, that is by seeing Trinitarian communion of the divine persons. It will be done in the whole truth of psychosomatic subjectivity and in aspect of the whole communio sanctorum. In the words of St. Paul: „there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal 3, 28), there isn’t any eschatological „trivialization” of masculinity and femininity in the saved man. The Virgin Mary, in the mystery of the Assumption, is seen as the witness of the dignity of the human body, of all aspects of human life: including the motherhood, work and suffering.
  • Miniatura
    Duch Święty a troska Kościoła o depozyt wiary
    Kunka, Sławomir (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The analysis of the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the Church in respect of its concern for the heritage of faith shows that the highest level of the Church’s knowledge is the truth about God who “is love” (1Jn 4, 8): about the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The greatest wisdom of the Church, however, is taking this love out of the Heart of Christ, listening to His words, being nourished by His Body and Blood, and following Him “wherever He goes” (Rev 14, 4). The Holy Spirit by His Person shows us the inner unity of the Holy Trinity and the unity of the Revelation of God as well as the unity of God’s eternal plan for creation, redemption, and sanctification of man. Accepting the integral and personal vision of the Revelation of God, we should acknowledge that the heritage of faith is not only the object that is received from Christ and faithfully transmitted by Church of providing the generations. The heritage of faith contains “the heritage of life” (depositum vitae), that man connects with God.
  • Miniatura
    Wiara w Jezusa Zmartwychwstałego według Benedykta XVI
    Kowalczyk, Mirosław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The author discusses the notion of Christ’s Resurrection as presented by Benedict XVI, who has created a synthetic and in-depth account of the Resurrection on the basis of phenomenological, historical and dogmatic exegesis of the relevant biblical texts. The Pope presents the denominational and the narrative tradition related to the faith in the Risen Jesus, pointing out to the centrality of the Resurrection for Christianity and for the world. Benedict XVI definitely refutes the dichotomy introduced by liberal theology between „the historical and the theological Jesus”. The Pope strives to show us that believing in the Resurrection also means recognizing it cognitively as a fact, and in this way it is part of our knowledge.
  • Miniatura
    „Wiara z widzenia”. Pre-ewangelizacyjna funkcja ikonografii
    Klauza, Karol (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    In the time of the icon-based culture, vision as an element of pre-evangelisation constitutes a tool for catechization. It indicates complementarity and parallelism of truth and beauty (goodness). It is the Biblical texts that offer a positive possibility to use the hermeneutics of beauty for awakening faith in non-believers and strengthening it in those loosing faith. They interpret important themes of faith and lead to the eschatological hope for a completion of the God-human dialogue (prayer, contemplation, cardiognosis). Theology after Vaticanum II provides details of the method of seeing beauty in the adoption and development of the gift of faith in the teachings of the popes: Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI.
  • Miniatura
    L’Amore Misericordioso di Gesù Cristo nell’esperienza di Santa Teresa di Lisieux
    Kiera, Szymon (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Doświadczenie świętych, nazywane „wiedzą miłości” (scientia amoris) nie tylko nie przeciwstawia się wiedzy akademickiej, ale stanowi najwyższy rodzaj poznania. Jest to poznanie miłości Chrystusa, przewyższające wszelką wiedzę (por. Ef 3, 19). Wielu świętych kontempluje misterium Zbawiciela poprzez pryzmat konkretnego boskiego przymiotu. W przypadku świętej Teresy od Dzieciątka Jezus i Najświętszego Oblicza przymiotem tym jest «Miłość Miłosierna», która stanowi klucz do interpretacji jej doktryny. Orędzie świętej karmelitanki ujmowane jest w ramach tak zwanej „małej drogi”, która stanowi dostępny dla wszystkich program realizacji ewangelicznego wezwania do doskonałości. Punktem wyjścia w rozumieniu przesłania Teresy z Lisieux jest jej pragnienie wielkiej świętości, równoważne z pragnieniem ratowania dusz grzeszników: kochanie Boga i sprawianie, był by kochany. Doświadczenie osobistej niedoskonałości i nędzy (miseria) nie zniechęca jej, ale prowadzi do odkrycia, że najważniejszym przymiotem miłości Boga jest miłosierdzie (misericordia), które skłania Chrystusa do pochylenia się nad człowiekiem: „właściwością miłości jest uniżenie się” (Ms A 2v). Atrybut ten, określany przez świętą mianem „Miłości Miłosiernej”, jest jednym z najistotniejszych elementów terezjańskiej doktryny, a „wychwalanie Miłosierdzia Pana” (Ms C 1r) stanowi główny motyw powstania rękopisów karmelitanki. Istota «małej drogi» jest przede wszystkim nadzieja przejawiająca się w śmiałej ufności (confiance) i całkowitym zawierzeniu (abandon) swojego życia Bogu. Kontemplacja Miłości Miłosiernej Chrystusa prowadzi Teresę nie tylko do „pewności” zostania wielką świętą, ale otwiera także horyzonty nadziei dla wszystkich.
  • Miniatura
    Credo in Spiritum Sanctum. Konsekwencje doktrynalne i pastoralne wiary w Ducha Świętego jako osobę
    Guzowski, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The author shows the use of the concept of person in determining the essence of the Holy Trinity and the influence of this category on doctrinal and pastoral activities of the Church. The most important conclusion that results from this paper is that renewing the Church, and renewing the faith of the Church can only take place on condition of acknowledging the direct, that is personal, presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of each believer and in the Church community. This conclusion is postulated on the basis of an in-depth study of the development of the concept of person in Trinitarian theology.
  • Miniatura
    Prawa dziejowe wielkich myśli
    Bartnik, Czesław (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Great thoughts: philosophical systems, intellectual currents and ideological outlooks are affected by the laws of historical change. The author briefly presents the following laws: (a) universal presence of mythology, irrespective of the degree of its cultural influence; (b) the law of ideological pluralism (a single global ideological system would thwart any great thought); (c) the law of historical sequencing and of historical continuity; (d) the law of historical pendulum; (e) inevitable presence of structural shortcomings (statements about the ultimate, cognitively exhaustive nature of one’s own system of thought and the declaration that it offers sufficient instruments for creating heaven on earth); (f) degeneration of a system due to false founding premises (e.g. „freedom” as an essential of its own right, separated from truth, good, justice and the love of kin, which has led to the creation of the ideology of the European Union and leads it towards chaos, nihilism and atheism.). A vital denominator of any great thought is its reference to an idea of God. Jesus Christ, as the crown of all creation (Eph. 1:10) is also a redeemer of great thoughts and philosophical systems.
  • Miniatura
    Personalistyczna interpretacja grzechu pierworodnego
    Antoniewicz, Marian (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The article is an attempt to present the personalistic interpretation of the original sin. The subject matter connected with the sin of our Primogenitors is complex and multidimentional, it requires a systematic analysis conducted from different perspectives. Due to several charges leveled against the doctrine of protological sin in late 20th century, new propositions for the interpretation of this issue have emerged. The subject of this analysis is a personalistic approach to the issue presented in three paragraphs: 1) The mystery of human evil (mysterium iniquitatis), 2) A drama of the fall of the first people and 3) A theological analysis of structural elements of the original sin.
  • Miniatura
    Credo in Patrem Omnipotentem. Z namysłu nad wszechmocą Boga
    Nadbrzeżny, Antoni (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    The Christian Creed contains the truth about God as Omnipotent Father. God's Omnipotence has been subject to critical reflection of both natural and systematic theologians throughout history. This paper is an attempt to present the nature of God's Omnipotence and determining the scope of the concept. The first part of the paper present contradictions within the concept of God’s Omnipotence. Next, the author presents a survey of the best recognized conceptions of God’s Omnipotence, created by Christian thought. The latter part of the paper is devoted to the conception of absolute omnipotence, as proposed by Stanisaw Judycki. Finally, the author presents the notion of divine omnipotence in its paternal and kenotic aspects.
  • Miniatura
    Kryzys i moc wiary. Refleksja nad myślą Josepha Ratzingera – Benedykta XVI
    Góźdź, Krzysztof (Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, 2012)
    Joseph Ratzinger – Benedict XVI is aware of both the power and the crisis of faith. The Pope traces the roots of the contemporary crisis of faith in the complex network of external negative factors, represented by such phenomena as relativism, postmodernism or liberalism. However, His Holiness also reaches into the depth of a human being to diagnose an intrapersonal crisis. Overwhelmed by these negative trends, modern humans are incapable of the definitive comprehension of the essence of their faith. This is why Benedict XVI points towards the faith of the Church and its true power as a way out of the crisis. The history of the Church is not a history of scandals, but is a source of hope. This is the hope of the faith in Jesus Christ, expressed by the Church in its invariable, original message. The faith in Jesus Christ is the faith in a real concrete Person, the incarnated Logos. This is why Christian faith is personalistic, trinitary and communal in its nature, but its central attribute is its being reasonoriented, Logos-oriented. The characteristic feature of Christian faith as propounded by Joseph Ratzinger is its rationality. To believe is to place trust in Logos, the Sense that supports the whole universe and the human being. The Logos is not an Ancient Greek reason, but the Divine Logos who was incarnated in Jesus Christ. Under His power, Christianity becomes „the religion of the Logos”, the religion of creative power that has created the world, supports it and directs it towards the Pleroma. Is it, therefore, true to contend that the contemporary lack of faith is simply a loss of rationality? Let us hope that this reflection can wake homo sapiens up, if the species is still rational enough to realize the truth.