Ankieta zakonna nuncjusza G. Garampiego z lat 1773/74 jako podstawa źródłowa do badań nad studiami zakonnymi i ich organizacją




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


As il well known, the problem of intellectual formation of the clergy became particularly pressing in the post-tridentine period, when it was necessary to undertak e religious renewal and defend the Church doctrine, attącked by the Reformation. To find out about the formation and aducation received in those days by members of religious order groups or individual religious orders, we have to examine their internal study systems. The standard of religious studies can be judged by many different criteria, of which two eppear to be particularly important: the curriculum and the organization and structure of the studies. It turns out that much interesting information on the organization and structure of studies in some religious orders, information of a type that is hardly ever found in other kinds of sources, can be obtained from the so-called investigation of religious orders by nuncio G. Garampi, conducted in Poland in the years 1773-1774 (the source is familiar to historians and has been used on some earlier occasions). Among the eleven questions nuncio Garampi addresed to the provincials there were two dealing with religious studies. One concerned the priests who were members of the teaching staffs, the other the seminary students. As some answers went beyond the scope of these questions, the materials contain much valuable information on the organization and structure of religious studies. The present article analyzes the information and assesses its value for the historian.


Słowa kluczowe

Giuseppe Garampi, historia, history, zakony, orders, zakonnicy, friars, formacja intelektualna, intellectual formation, formacja, formation, edukacja, education, XVIII w., ankieta, questionnaire, ankieta zakonna, źródła historyczne, historical sources


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1989, T. 36, z. 4, s. 35-44.


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