Chronologia panowania Lugalzagesiego z Uruk na tle historii południowej Babilonii w Okresie Wczesnodynastycznym
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Wydawnictwo KUL
Lugalzagesi, king of Uruk and ruler of Umma, is one of the best known figures in the Early Dynastic history, famous for his ultimate defeat by the Sargon of Akkade. Sources related to Lugalzagesi allow to reconstruct relatively detailed account of his reign, but some major chronological questions remain unsolved. The paper explores the possible explanations of the sources and their consequences for the relative chronology of the entire southern Babylonia at the end of Early Dynastic period, as the reign of Lugalzagesi was closely related to major of political entities in the region – Uruk, Umma and Lagaš. It appears that some chronological sequences should probably shortened in the light of available evidence, however, it is hardly possible to choose between alternative options without new texts.
Słowa kluczowe
Lugalzagesi, Sumer, starożytność, Mezopotamia, historia, Babilonia, chronologia, król, dynastie, antiquity, Mesopotamia, history, Babylonia, chronology, king, dynasties
Scripta Biblica et Orientalia, 2011, T. 3, s. 5-18.
Attribution 3.0 Poland