Wykluczenie ze wspólnoty wierzących w świetle 1 Kor 5,5
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Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
The analysis of the controversial formula of exclusion from the community of believers that we find in 1 Cor 5,5 leads above all to the conclusion that this recommendation can be treated as a rule of how a community should act in these kind of situation. Paul alludes to the real case of an incestuous relation of a member of the Church in Corinth. This behavior is judged as being harmful not only to those who are engaged in it but bas a social dimension as wen and injures the whole community of believers that is no longer credible. Consequently, the community that is not credible is not able to give witness to Jesus Christ. The rhetorical perspective prompts us to broaden this single recommendation on all the cases of overt evil in the community. The status of the act is evident. What Paul is trying to correct is the luck of any reaction of the community on the evil that spreads in it. The Apostle recommends the community to formally exclude the guilty person. It is to be seen as a firm objection against evil and it is motivated by the care for the spiritual well being of both parts. The community should hope that the sinner change his attitude and thus will obtain salvation when the day of the Lord comes.
Słowa kluczowe
wykluczenie ze wspólnoty wierzących, wykluczenie, wykluczenie ze wspólnoty, wspólnota, Pierwszy List do Koryntian, listy św. Pawła, 1 Kor 5, krytyka, relatywizm, krytyka relatywnej postawy wspólnoty, Nowy Testament, Biblia, Pismo Święte, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, biblistyka, wierzący, wspólnota wierzących, exclusion from the community of believers, exclusion, exclusion from the community, community, First Letter to the Corinthians, letters of Saint Paul, criticism, relativism, criticism of the relative attitude of the community, New Testament, Bible, exegesis, biblical exegesis, biblical studies, believers, community of believers
Verbum Vitae, 2010, T. 18, s. 167-184.
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