Gdy religia burzy i buduje kulturę. Kilka biblijnych przykładów wpływu religii na kulturę ludów
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
W Biblii kultura utożsamiana jest z wyznawaną religią. Kultura stanowi widzialny znak wiary, stąd wartość danej religii ocenia się, uwzględniając zewnętrzne praktyki danej grupy i ich zgodność z wyznawaną przez siebie ideologią. Inne ludy i ich kultura oceniane są nie według tego, czym są, lecz według kryterium zgodności z zasadami wyznawanymi przez religię silniejszego, tzn. Izraela. W Starym Testamencie fundamentalnymi kryteriami oceny tego, co inne, są monoteizm i dekalog. Wszystko, co niezgodne z tymi zasadami, musi zostać zniszczone, ponieważ wartość „kulturową” lub kulturotwórczą (godną zachowania) ma jedynie to, co służy trwaniu i rozwojowi religii Izraela. Znane były jednak przypadki, że do religii Izraela włączano osiągnięcia innych kultur.
A cultural identification with the professed religion takes place in the Bible. Culture is a visible exposure of the faith, hence the value of a particular religion is assessed in terms of the external practices of the group and their compliance with their professed ideology. Other peoples and their culture are judged not by what they are, as such, but according to the criterion of conformity with the principles of religion professed by the stronger, i.e. Israel. Monotheism and the Ten Commandments are the fundamental criterion of what is different in the Old Testament. Everything inconsistent with these principles must be destroyed, because the value of culture (worthy of preservation) has only what is persistence and development of the religion of Israel. However, cases have been known that the religion of Israel incorporated achievements of other cultures.
A cultural identification with the professed religion takes place in the Bible. Culture is a visible exposure of the faith, hence the value of a particular religion is assessed in terms of the external practices of the group and their compliance with their professed ideology. Other peoples and their culture are judged not by what they are, as such, but according to the criterion of conformity with the principles of religion professed by the stronger, i.e. Israel. Monotheism and the Ten Commandments are the fundamental criterion of what is different in the Old Testament. Everything inconsistent with these principles must be destroyed, because the value of culture (worthy of preservation) has only what is persistence and development of the religion of Israel. However, cases have been known that the religion of Israel incorporated achievements of other cultures.
Słowa kluczowe
kultura, religia, Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Izrael, narody ościenne, wpływ religii na kulturę, rola religii, Bible, culture, religion, Israel, neighbouring nations, Old Testament, influence of religion on culture, role of religion
Studia Gdańskie, 2012, T. 31, s. 27-45.
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