Czasopismo naukowe diecezji ełckiej „Studia Ełckie” w dwudziestoletniej służbie nauce i Kościołowi 1999-2018
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
The aim of the study was to summarize the activity of the journal of the diocese of Ełk during the period 1999-2018 and to outline the development plan related to the reform (2018). The initiation of the project in the form of a scientific journal has created opportunities for the development and publishing of research results carried out by scientists mainly belonging to the diocese of Ełk. Many of them used this opportunity. Sharing the results of our own scientific research was at the same time the propagation of the journal and the environment creating it. The considerable scientific output published in the “Studia Ełckie” in a permanent way inscribed in shaping the scientific awareness of the north-eastern Poland. The presentation of the origins and development of the journal turned out to be difficult as long as there are no detailed written sources. It must be admitted that the history of this periodical, although not too long, is quite rich in various transformations. We should appreciate the effort of not only hundreds of authors and reviewers who co-created the magazine, but also those who, through their commitment and dedication, took care of its shape and development.
The aim of the study was to summarize the activity of the journal of the diocese of Ełk during the period 1999-2018 and to outline the development plan related to the reform (2018). The initiation of the project in the form of a scientific journal has created opportunities for the development and publishing of research results carried out by scientists mainly belonging to the diocese of Ełk. Many of them used this opportunity. Sharing the results of our own scientific research was at the same time the propagation of the journal and the environment creating it. The considerable scientific output published in the “Studia Ełckie” in a permanent way inscribed in shaping the scientific awareness of the north-eastern Poland. The presentation of the origins and development of the journal turned out to be difficult as long as there are no detailed written sources. It must be admitted that the history of this periodical, although not too long, is quite rich in various transformations. We should appreciate the effort of not only hundreds of authors and reviewers who co-created the magazine, but also those who, through their commitment and dedication, took care of its shape and development.
Słowa kluczowe
scientific journals, Studia Ełckie, czasopisma, journals, redakcja, editing, Ełk diocese, diecezja ełcka, czasopisma naukowe, diecezje, dioceses
Studia Ełckie, 2019, T. 21, nr 1, s. 47-64.
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