Korporacje transnarodowe i globalizacja: rozważania o genezie i ewolucji przedsiębiorstw wielonarodowych do 1929 r.
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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne
Początków działalności przedsiębiorstw wielonarodowych można doszukiwać się w ekspansji gospodarczej grupy państw wysoko rozwiniętych, na które składają się wiodące ekonomicznie kraje Ameryki Północnej, Europy Zachodniej i Azji Wschodniej. Sytuacja po II wojnie światowej wyznaczana w sferze gospodarczej przez liberalizację i wzrost gospodarczy pozwoliła im na korzystanie z dobrodziejstw „wielostronności”. Wiele z nich dynamicznie się rozwijało, podczas gdy inne były matecznikami, które dały początek największym istniejącym obecnie przedsiębiorstwom w swoich branżach. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest prześledzenie genezy i rozwoju wyżej wymienionych podmiotów do wybuchu wielkiego kryzysu z 1929 r.
Beginnings of the operations of multinational enterprises may be found in the economic expansion of the group of well-developed states of North America (USA), Western Europe (the EU) and Eastern Asia (Japan). World Economy is a habitat of the functioning of transnational corporations. The situation after the World War II set in the business world by the liberalization and the growth in the economy allowed them to use benefits of the “multilateralism”. Notwithstanding in the second decade of the 20th century the bilateral international trade based on the quid pro quo principle still dominated. However even then multinationals existed, blazing trails for more developed structures. Many of them, as: Siemens, AEG, General Electric dynamically developed, while a few, as the Standard Oil, served as originators of the largest enterprises existing at present in their industries. The purpose of this article is to trace the genesis and development of the above mentioned entities until the outburst of the Great Depression in 1929. Depression, as global economic turbulence, changed the world of corporations and accelerated coming of changes, in consequence of which international companies became one of the “four riders of the globalization” through the process of the internationalization.
Beginnings of the operations of multinational enterprises may be found in the economic expansion of the group of well-developed states of North America (USA), Western Europe (the EU) and Eastern Asia (Japan). World Economy is a habitat of the functioning of transnational corporations. The situation after the World War II set in the business world by the liberalization and the growth in the economy allowed them to use benefits of the “multilateralism”. Notwithstanding in the second decade of the 20th century the bilateral international trade based on the quid pro quo principle still dominated. However even then multinationals existed, blazing trails for more developed structures. Many of them, as: Siemens, AEG, General Electric dynamically developed, while a few, as the Standard Oil, served as originators of the largest enterprises existing at present in their industries. The purpose of this article is to trace the genesis and development of the above mentioned entities until the outburst of the Great Depression in 1929. Depression, as global economic turbulence, changed the world of corporations and accelerated coming of changes, in consequence of which international companies became one of the “four riders of the globalization” through the process of the internationalization.
Słowa kluczowe
gospodarka światowa, globalizacja, kapitał, korporacje transnarodowe, kryzys, gospodarka, ekspansja gospodarcza, historia, capital, crisis, globalization, transnational corporations, world economy, economy, economic expansion, history
Studia Gdańskie, 2011, T. 29, s. 317-339.
CC-BY-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Bez utworów zależnych