Katolicki ruch charytatywny w diecezji łomżyńskiej w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej. Cz. 1: Struktura i organizacja

dc.contributor.authorGuzewicz, Wojciech
dc.description.abstractCharity is an integral part of the Churchʼs ministry, and active charity is one of the Christianʼs basic duties (cf. Mt 25, 35-45). The Church follows in the footsteps of her Founder, who loved us and showed us this love not only through the Sacrifice of Salvation, but also through works of mercy (cf. Mt 11, 5). Therefore, he not only proclaims the love of neighbor and obliges him to perform acts of mercy, but also gives charitable activities institutional forms, making caring for the poor one of the main tasks of the deaconʼs office (Acts 6, 1-6). In Poland, the traditions of this activity date back to the beginnings of the Piast state. Over the centuries, it was mainly animated and led by bishops and religious orders, but also brotherhoods and lay people. It was similar in the interwar period and in the Lomza diocese, except that the nature and forms of this activity were adapted to the changing socio-political conditions after the war. And so, in the first period, emphasis was placed mainly on the organizational and coordination side of charity, and since the economic crisis in 1929 and the development of Catholic Action, primarily on specific charity work and refining its methods. By charity we will understand the entire charity campaign carried out in the interwar diocese of Lomza. It was based mainly on Parish Committees of Relief, consisting mainly of Vincentian associations and Catholic Action, 2) charitable institutions and foundations; 3) the activities of religious orders, in particular the Congregation of the Sisters of Mercy of Saint. Wincentego à Paulo.
dc.identifier.citationStudia Ełckie, 2021, T. 23, nr 4, s. 515-524.
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
dc.rightsCC-BY-NC-ND - Uznanie autorstwa - Użycie niekomercyjne - Bez utworów zależnych
dc.subjectcharity movement
dc.subjectruch charytatywny
dc.subjectdiocese of Lomza
dc.subjectSecond Polish Republic
dc.subjectII Rzeczpospolita
dc.subjectokres międzywojenny
dc.subjectinterwar period
dc.subjectdiecezja łomżyńska
dc.subjectdziałalność charytatywna
dc.subjectcharitable work
dc.subjectorganizacje charytatywne
dc.subjectcharitable organisations
dc.titleKatolicki ruch charytatywny w diecezji łomżyńskiej w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej. Cz. 1: Struktura i organizacja
dc.title.alternativeCatholic Charity Movement in the Lomza Diocese During the Second Polish Republic. Part 1: Structure and Organization


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