Rola muzyki chrześcijańskiej w Nowej Ewangelizacji
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Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska
The Pope, John Paul II from the very beginning of his pontificate was calling for opening door for Christ, he was bringing Him everywhere and encouraging all believers to join in the evangelization, fresh in its expression, new in zeal and Spirit. Special role in this work belongs to culture creators, because evangelization is a meeting with human’s soul and it expresses herself in culture of every epoch. The sixties of last century are a beginning of “Contemporary Christian Music” (CCM). Since that time, thanks to creators and performers professionalism, it is possible to diffuse Christian essences in media. In Poland, it is possible to meet with this kind of music since early nineties of twentieth century. From a dozen or so years we can notice that God selects servants from musicians playing rock music. They receive this favor, that is a meeting with living God, and it causes that human’s hope starts to burn, desire grows to light others. Man’s heart fills with thanksgiving and adoration, and he is just unable not to scream due to happiness, sing and make a music. Unfortunately, contents promoted by majority bands and disc jockeys don’t bring good moral message, so contemporary Christian music is very necessary alternative to what is going on a scene of widely understood rock and pop music.
Słowa kluczowe
muzyka, muzyka chrześcijańska, współczesna muzyka chrześcijańska, ewangelizacja, nowa ewangelizacja, Kościół, muzyka religijna, kultura, kultura chrześcijańska, music, Christian music, contemporary Christian music, evangelization, new evangelization, Church, religious music, culture, Christian culture
Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20, s. 139-153.
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