Colores verbi et spes. Uwagi o retorycznym aspekcie kazań abpa Józefa Michalika




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II


According to the general opinion in Poland, hearing a good sermon seems practically a miracle. Arguing with the above view, this article presents a volume of sermons entitled: With Christ in the liturgical year, which appeared in October 2011. Archbishop Jozef Michalik is the author of thought-provoking and clever texts that can be found there. The article discusses the preaching characteristics of this Metropolitan Bishop of Przemyśl. What have been highlighted here are: the wealth of homiletic materials, openness of the sermons to the ills of a contemporary social life in Poland and Europe, the inclusion of listeners in the course of argument, reasoning and argumentation, an exemplary of sermons and a variety of rhetorical figures used in them.


Słowa kluczowe

kazania, kaznodziejstwo, kaznodzieje, kapłani, duchowieństwo, homiletyka, homilia, Józef Michalik, arcybiskupi, retoryka, figury retoryczne, sermons, preaching, preachers, clergy, priesthood, homiletics, homily, archbishops, rhetoric, rhetorical figures


Polonia Sacra, 2011, R. 15 (33), Nr 29 (73), s. 267-275.


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