Miłość jako podstawa życia zakonnego według „Inspectio cordis” Stanisława Papczyńskiego OIC (1631-1701)




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The author presents the role love plays in religious life according to S. Papczyński. The paper is based on the collection of works written by the latter and entitled Inspectio cordis. We find in this work various, alternately used, terms which define love: amor, dilectio, charitas. The love of God, according to Papczyński, is revealed both in the redemptive history of the world and in the individual history of each man. Man responds to the gift of Divine love which being human has its source in God and is embodied in being totally and exclusively offered to Him. Religious vows are the specific token of such offering. Human love is similar to the love of God and that is why is directed to man. It constitutes the principle of unity between God and neighbours, and puts forward the criterium of all values. The author pinpoints that the doctrine of S. Papczyński does not bear the character of a lecture, but rather is a testimony of faith and life. Due to this we have an opportunity of getting to know Polish spirituality of the seventieth century better.


Autor tłumaczenia streszczenia: Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

miłość, życie zakonne, Inspectio cordis, Stanisław Papczyński, jedność, człowiek, Bóg, duchowość, bliźni, XVII w., love, monastic life, unity, human, God, spirituality, neighbours


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1995, T. 42, z. 5, s. 109-119.


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