Moral Upbringing in Families Based on a Mixed Marriage: the Catholic-Lutheran perspective
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The Pontifical University of John Paul II in Cracow
This article presents the issue of moral upbringing in families based on a mixed Catholic-Lutheran marriage in a synthetic way. In the time of the crisis of upbringing as such, it becomes essential to pay attention to moral upbringing, which is the foundation of all education, and should be passed on by parents, as the first educators. They take actions that, despite a difference in religion, guide children to form a moral conscience, proper interpersonal relations, and educate them about love, that should be based on truth. In mixed denominational families, the transmission of moral upbringing takes place in the spirit of ecumenism, which means that, despite the threats that may arise, the testimony of Christian love and unity speaks out even stronger.
Słowa kluczowe
upbringing, moral upbringing, mixed marriages, interdenominational marriages, Lutherans, Catholics, Roman Catholic Church, Church, moral theology, theology, morality, family, Christian parents, wychowanie, wychowanie moralne, małżeństwa mieszane, małżeństwa międzywyznaniowe, luteranie, katolicy, Kościół rzymskokatolicki, Kościół, teologia moralna, teologia, moralność, rodzina, rodzice chrześcijańscy
The Person and the Challenges, 2023, Vol. 13, No. 2, p. 5-19.
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