Charyzmat Sługi Bożego ks. Franciszka Blachnickiego w służbie „Żywego Kościoła”
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Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska
God’s servant, Reverend Franciszek Blachnicki, was gifted with a vision of the “Living Church”. He was one of the first theologians in the universal Church (among such names like e.g. Joseph Ratzinger) who clearly formulated the canon of “koinonia/communio” as an essential thought of the ecclesiology of Vatican II. The ecclesiology of communion, which is a unity of man and God, and man and his brothers through Christ in the Holy Spirit, is a life-giving rule that realises the ideas of the “Living Church”. The Light-Life Movement, founded by Fr. Blachnicki, was a means to implement the idea of the “Living Church”. Drawing on various currents of the world renewal brought about by the Second Vatican Council, Light and Life adapts them to the specific conditions of Polish Church. Thus emerged a coherent vision of formating a mature Christian, who is able to recognise his charisma and take up his diacony in the local Church.
Słowa kluczowe
wizja „Żywego Kościoła”, Franciszek Blachnicki, sługi Boże, charyzmaty, Kościół, Ruch Światło-Życie, ruchy religijne, katechizacja, katechumenat, ewangelizacja, praca duszpasterska, duszpasterstwo, opieka duszpasterska, diakonia, vision of the “Living Church”, servants of God, charisms, Church, Light-Life Movement, religious movements, catechization, catechumenate, evangelization, pastoral work, ministry, pastoral care
Studia Gdańskie, 2007, T. 20, s. 155-164.
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