Zagadnienie „stanu pośredniego” w ujęciu filozoficznym




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska


“After death provisional state of man” means the manner of existence of a man from his death till resurrection. Generally speaking this is a theological problem but closely connected with anthropological issues. Therefore according to accepted anthropological vision are shaped also opinions of advocates and opponents of conception of resurrection at the moment of human death. The main problem is: what is happening with the soul after human body’s death and before its resurrection? Some philosophers say that the whole of the person dies. Others are convinced that the soul doesn’t become separate from her body at the moment of death. But they also say about continual resurrection. In the evolutionary conception of human death is said that the moment of death is simultaneously the moment of resurrection. T. Wojciechowski explains this by transforming structure of human essence onto the highest level of excellence.


Słowa kluczowe

filozofia, „stan pośredni”, teologia, eschatologia, człowiek, śmierć, zmartwychwstanie, relacja dusza-ciało, jedność cielesno-duchowa, scholastyka, ewolucyjna koncepcja śmierci, philosophy, “intermediate state”, theology, eschatology, human, death, resurrection, soul-body relationship, body-spirit unity, scholasticism, evolutionary concept of death


Studia Gdańskie, 2004, T. 17, s. 217-239.


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