Roczniki Teologiczne, 1997, T. 44, z. 4

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  • Miniatura
    Najstarsze próby tłumaczenia Biblii na język polski w „Kazaniach świętokrzyskich”
    Skrzyniarz, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    The Kazania świętokrzyskie were written in the 13lh century, a wonderful work of religious and national literature in the Polish language. They were the fruit of the systematic development of education, growth of the intellectual level among the clergy and the laity, pastoral needs, reforms within the Church in Poland, and a growth of religious and national awareness. The author of Kazania świętokrzyskie had a perfect knowledge of the Bible, for it is with great liberty that he handled quotations from various pericopes, and the quotations from the biblical books in Polish, like the text of the sermons, amazed readers with their form and with the beauty of their language. The translations of the biblical texts into Polish in Kazania świętokrzyskie are characterized by their excellent literary language, retaining the literal and theological sense. The Kazania, written by a 13lh-century preacher, are characterized by excellent literary and theological artistry. They were, first of all, designed for congregations well-educated and conversant with theology and the Bible.
  • Miniatura
    Jasienicowa wizja dziejów Kościoła (Polska Piastów, Polska Jagiellonów)
    Michalski, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    It seems that people are still very interested in Paweł Jasienica’s essays. “The master of writing in between lines” - as Jasienica was called - is still imparling influence through his works on public opinion and shaping its collective memory. A place has been found for the Church in the image about the past, for its role in the religious, political and social life. It is true that Jasienica did not write a history of the Church, not even a history about the state, yet his history of man, entangled in various events over the centuries, is not free from that which a given man was absorbed in, so it is not free from religion, either. There is a lot of room in the gallery of historical figures for the clergymen. It is their commitment that became a pretext for Jasienica to articulate opinions on the Church, an institution which he not always understood. This lack of understanding made it that Jasienica, delicately speaking, often departed from the truth. This, however, in no way diminishes the value of his essays, yet arouses concern, for the writer was able to convince his readers to his opinions and evaluations. In such circumstances, thus created image of the Church, not always true, could have been deemed genuine, and as such could have shaped the approach to church affairs. This outlined vision of the history of the Church is not a polemic with the author of the essays, it only attempts to grasp as a whole that which the writer in various places of his series entitled “Poland” has written about the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Unicki dekanat cyryński w archidiecezji kijowskiej w świetle wizytacji generalnej z 1798 roku
    Nabywaniec, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    The general visitation of the Uniate Cyryń deanery was made by Archbishop Teodozy Rostocki, the visitator who had been authorized by the metropolitan bishop of Kiev and of the whole Russia. The Cyryń deanery was situated in the Latvian part of the Kiev metropolitan archdiocese. The visitatorial acts had been published in the thirteenth volume of the Russian publication entitled ,,Apxeoгрaфикчeскій cборнкъ документовъ относящиxcя къ итopiи cѣвepo-зaпaднoй Pycи” (A Geographical Collection of Documents Concerning the History of East-West Russia) before the revolution of 1917. So far no detailed research on the system and organization of the Uniate Kiev archdiocese has been carried out. Therefore revealing some details brings us closer to the then situation of that large archdiocese. The paper has presented only part of the problems connected with the organization and system, but even that allows us to notice that the Cyryń deanery, numbering a few dozen parishes, had numerous drawbacks and shortcomings. Its organization leaves a lot to be desired and in this respect could not be compared with its contemporary deacanataes in the Lvov archdiocese, not to mention the Przemyśl diocese. Many factors affected that state of affairs, including greater poverty among the faithful, the vast territory of the archdiocese, rare canonical visitations, and lack of an integrated settlement of the Uniates. The visitation of the Cyryń deanery came about immediately after the last partition of Poland, yet before the destruction of the early Polish Church organization (including that of the Orthodox Church). Accordingly, its acts are essential to grasp the actual state of that part of the Kiev archdiocese at the final stage of the early Polish period.
  • Miniatura
    Działalność Zgromadzenia Zmartwychwstania Pańskiego na rzecz Unii i Kościoła greckokatolickiego
    Osadczy, Włodzimierz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    The Congregation of the Resurrection of the Lord (Congregatio Resurrectionis Domini Nostri Jesu Christi) was established among Polish emigrants during the renewal of religious life in the Catholic Church at the beginning of the 19th century. The missionary work among the orthodox Slavs and support for the Union played an important part in its activity. It is the zealous work of the Congregation that made the Apostolic See notice the place of the Uniates and of the Greek-Catholic rite within the universal Church, and became an incentive for active missionary work in the East. Owing to Rev. Hipolit Terlecki’s efforts, in Rome and in Paris were established eastern societies designed to prepare missionaries. Pope Pius IX entrusted the Resurrectionists with the missions of the eastern rite in Bulgaria. In 1880 the Congregation initiated its pastoral activity in Galicia. It set up a Russian Dormitory for the Russian (Ukrainian) youth, the fact which triggered many disputes among the then society of eastern Galicia. The Dormitory’s aim was to take care about and carry out religious formation of the rural students who attended the Lvov secondary schools. The youth, mostly Greek-Catholic, were educated in their own rite and culture. The Russian Dormitory served also the rapprochement between Russians and Poles, a process which was very important during the Polish-Ukrainian political discords in East Galicia. The fact that the Congregation had reached its aims was testified by numerous letters of the former students of the Dormitory to their teachers - the Resurrection Fathers. The letters are kept in the Central State Historical Archives in Lvov.
  • Miniatura
    Stoicka interpretacja etymologiczna imion i przydomków bogów rzymskich w relacji i ocenie Cycerona
    Szram, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    The paper shows the Stoic doctrine on the semantic and morphological origin of words with reference to the names of the Roman deities and their nicknames which accompanied those names. The basic source of this doctrine we find in paragraphs 45-80 of Book II and 38-65 o f Book III of Cicero’ s work De natura deorum. According to Stoics, the names of gods are connected with a concrete material reality, through which a deity acts (e.g. Diana - dies; Ceres - the Greek ge) or with abstract concepts, pointing to certain states and behaviours which a given deity introduces (e.g. Virtus, Concordia, Libertas). The nicknames define the role gods played towards man and the world, and express their specific characteristics. Both the names and nicknames are derived mainly form verbs and adjectives. Cicero, through the mouth of the academic Kotty, evaluates the Stoic etymologies with skepticism as lacking scientific approach and based on loose associations. They are, however, an important source of knowledge about the scope of influence different Roman gods imparted, and constitute one of the first documents about linguistic interests.
  • Miniatura
    Z badań nad dokumentami fundacyjnymi parafii w średniowiecznej archidiecezji lwowskiej
    Tylus, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    The author is dealing with the parochial foundation documents from the territories of Lvov and Halicz, the terrains which constituted part of the Lvov (Ha)icz) archdiocese of the Latin rite. Few foundation documents have been published up to now, most of them in the second half of the 19th century. In our century only several documents have been published. This is due to political conditions which were efficient in making access to archival documents impossible. The present times slightly improve the situation, yet still fail to change it radically. A great number of documents, which have never been published, the author found in the Archives of the Lvov Archdiocese in Lubaczów. Now the author has quoted four 15th-century parochial foundation documents from the research in question, which have nowhere else been published; four of them refer to Jaryczow and Żelechów (the Latin text) and one in Polish refers to Wasiuczyn. The latter text is most probably a translation from the Latin original. The author of the present paper intends to publish soon all the foundation documents that have been found.
  • Miniatura
    Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Stowarzyszenia Apostolstwa Katolickiego (XX. Pallotynów) w Ołtarzewie w latach 1945-1993. Rys historyczny
    Dyl, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    For several years after the Second World War the Theological Seminar of the Association o f Catholic Apostleship was situated outside Oltarzewo near Warszawa, that is in Wadowice na Kopcu (1945/46), in Suchary (1946/47), and in Ząbkowice Śląskie (1947/48). Meanwhile in Ołtarzewo buildings were being prepared for alumni. All Ihe alumni were housed in Ołtarzewo in 1948. The first rector of the Theological Seminary was Fr. Eugeniusz Weron SAC. The first priests were ordained on 29 May 1949 by Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński, the Primate of Poland. In 1952 two Pallotin Lower Theological Seminaries (in Wadowice na Kopcu and in Chełmno on the Vistula) were closed down, therefore as many as 148 candidates for the priesthood were accepted to novitiate. They were to start their philosophical studies in a year. It was impossible, however, to place them all in the seminarian building, so in the years 1953-1958 two branches of the Seminary were opened in Otwock and in Wadowice na Kopcu. In these two branches lectures were given parallel to the philosophical “faculty" in Ołtarzewo. In the years 1959-1993 the philosophical studies were not separated from the theological ones. The Library in Ołtarzewo plays an important part in the life of the seminary. Fr. Pawel Góralczyk SAC, the prefect of studies, in his report on the year 1991/92 stated that the Library collections numbered in October 1992 over 100 000 volumes. 484 people visited the reading room. Together with the thematic catalogue 1998 books and 8437 magazines were made.
  • Miniatura
    Stan liczebny studentów i zakres programu nauczania w studiach filozoficzno-teologicznych w zakonach franciszkańskich w Polsce w XVIII wieku
    Flaga, Jerzy (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    The author draws on to his former papers devoted to the studies on the orders in the 17th and 18th centuries. He is dealing in them with the philosophico-theological curriculum and the number of students in the four Franciscan orders (Conventual Franciscans, Bernardines, Reformats and Capuchins) in the 18lh century. The paper has been based on the materials from the so-called questionnaire of the nuncio in Poland, Giuseppe Garampi, of 1772-1774, and on the existing literature. It follows from the author’s considerations that among the students of philosophy and theology of all, basically Franciscan, orders, the students of dogmatic and moral theology were the majority. This was most conspicuous in the case of the Reformats. The course of theology should have lasted four years, but the principle was not fully observed, and at times the course was reduced to three years. As to the curriculum, the author has stated that in the Franciscan orders theology and philosophy were read mainly according to John Duns Scotus, with some remnants of humanism. There were attempts, most often made by the superiors of the orders (provincials, abbots), to keep appropriate standard of the studies, though some circumstances which disorganized studies and lowered their level were accepted.
  • Miniatura
    Twórczość pamiętnikarsko-wspomnieniowa polskiego duchowieństwa Pomorza i Wielkopolski XIX i XX wieku
    Walkusz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    Apart from the rich and varied scientific writing, mainly theological and historical, the clergy of Pomerania and Greater Poland in the 19th and 20th centuries eagerly pursued literature. Diaries are a specially abundant section of that literature. Their point of departure may be divided into three basic groups: memoirs from the Prussian period, reports on travel and memoirs of manners, and memoirs (diaries) of a purely literary character. The first group contains memoirs from the period of kulturkampf written by the priests: Władysław Chotkowski (Moje wspomnienia z Kulturkampfu 1875-1878 [My Memoirs from the Period of Kulturkampf], Gniezno 1900), Stanisław W. Wisniewski (Moje wspomnienia z watki kulturnej [My Memoirs from the Cultural Struggle], Poznań 1912), and Józef Grabowski (Obraz walki kulturnej w Prusach 1872-1886 na tle własnych doświadczeń [The Picture of Cultural Struggle in Prussia 1872-1886 in View of Own Experiences], Poznań 1918), and also Rev. Władysław Łęga’s description of experiences from the First World War (Z mych wrażeń wojennych 1915- 1919 [Of My War Impressions], Grudziądz 1922). We find an interesting historico-geographical material as well as one about manners in the works written by W Łęga (Madera, Maroko, Hiszpania. Wrażenia z wycieczki [Madera, Morocco, Spain. Impressions from a Trip], Grudziądz 1931), Juliusz Pobłocki (Na Kaszubach przed 100 laty. Obrazki kaszubskie [In Kashubia a Hundred Years Ago. Kashubian Pictures], Pelplin 1926), and Hieronim Gołębiowski (Obrazki rybackie z półwyspy Helu [Fishing Pictures from the Hel Peninsula], Pelplin 1888). The poetic diary written by Rev. Ewaryst Nawrowski occupies a special place in this line of writing (Z roku życia [Of a Year of Life], Poznań 1919). This study is an attempt at an analysis of the above diaries, both from the point of their contents, and their form, and that within the context of the life and output of their authors.
  • Miniatura
    Mój Mistrz - biskup Wincenty Urban (1911-1983)
    Wójcik, Stefan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    Bishop Wincenty Urban (b. 13 February 1911, ordained to the priesthood on 28 June 1936, d. 13 December 1983), the Wroclaw auxiliary bishop, the titular bishop of Abitinae; professor o f theology, habilitation in theology on the history o f the Church, canon of the Wroclaw Metropolitan Chapter, general vicar of the Wroclaw archdiocese in the years 1974- 1976, general vicar to the Wroclaw metropolitan bishop, member of the Learned Board of the Polish Episcopate, long-term professor of the Metropolitan Theological Seminary and the Papal Theological Faculty in Wroclaw, former professor of Catholic Theological Academy (ATK) in Warszawa, and of the Theological Seminary in Nysa; member o f the Episcopal Commission for the Religious Orders and Commission for Sacral Art, chairman of the Theological Society in Wroclaw and head of the Wroclaw Archives, Library and Archdioccsan Museum. Bishop Wincenty Urban captivated and fascinated people with his knowledge, hard work, and, above all, his noble heart, open to others' needs. He emanated with kindness, calm, warmth, sensitivity, and goodness. Such were the trails o f his personality which fascinated us, won respect and attracted many. He managed to come to terms with his numerous pastoral duties and his reliable scientific and didactic work. Thus he earned scientific authority. People from many learned societies in Poland took into account his opinion. Being the auxiliary bishop of the Wroclaw archdiocese, he did not change his lifestyle. He retained most of his functions and duties, and took up new tasks connected with episcopal ministry. The source of his force was his vocation to the priesthood, well-thought-out and supported by ardent prayer, as well as scientific passion, thanks to which he devoted his effort and time to read, know and discover ever new facts from the history of the Church, and then to write about them. His priesthood and passion for research work were shaped in the Lvov archdiocese, and in the Metropolitan Theological Seminary of the Latin rile in Lvov. Everything he gained at universities and in the Lvov milieu he brought, after 1945, to the Wroclaw archdiocese. Here, together with the people of God from the eastern borderland, he created the frameworks of tomorrow in the territories regained after many ages. He never forgot about his mother church, about his family nest, for he knew the war ordeal that many Polish priest had gone through and their bad fortunes, that is to say, the pioneer hardship in new circumstances. He did everything to immortalize their effort in writing. Being himself a priest of high standard, he made every effort to shape in a proper way the profiles of the future workers in the domain of the Lord. He placed on them high intellectual and, first of all, moral demands. He prepared his disciples for a responsible priesthood, taught them a practical love for God and people, loyalty to their vocation and to the principles of the Gospels.
  • Miniatura
    Zmagania wokół utworzenia Ligi Katolickiej w diecezji sandomierskiej
    Zdon, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1997)
    The Catholic Convention in Warszawa (28-30 August 1926) included within its resolutions a call for the establishment of the Catholic League in all dioceses of Poland. The works on its organization in the Sandomierz diocese were to be carried out by the committees set up on the occasion of the convention. In January 1927 Rev. Prelate Kazimierz Sykulski was nominated secretary general of the Catholic League. In that time a healed debate triggered on its statute, and the priests differed as to their evaluation of the need for the establishment of such a new organization. The Sandomierz bishop Marian Ryxa did not take a firm stance. Eventually, the odds for the approval of the statute were written off by the Episcopate conference in September 1928. It established a Commission of the Catholic League whose task was to work out a uniform statute for all the Catholic Leagues. Il was then that the approval of the statute, which had been changed eight times, had no sense, for it would have been changed soon. Despite that, the experience gained during that period in the Sandomierz diocese turned out to be very useful and bore fruit on the establishment the Catholic Action.