Muzyka kościelna w Polsce okresu oświecenia w relacji i ocenie ks. Wacława Sierakowskiego (1741-1806)
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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
By the XVIII century the process of secularization of music in European churches had become more intense. This took place with the full approval of the church authorities who not only supported the change, but even introduced new forms in to the music. So operatic elements were introduced in to churches, people began to perform instrumental symphonies, abandoing the separate character of church music. This process did not pass Poland by, where operatic compositions were also performed during services, as well as church symphonies and even lay symphonies. Because voices of protest were raised demanding the reform of church music. One of the reformers was Father Wacław Sierakowski who was active in Cracow as a parish priest and a member of the Wawel chapter house. Sierakowski kept a "Song school" at his own cost (in the years 1781-1787) where young people were educated. He also fought with his pen for the regeneration of music. His manuscript "A project for the reformation of the Wawel cathedral church chapel", from about 1790, is preserved to this day. Father Sierakowski also published in 1795/96 his three volume work entitled: "The art of music – book for Polish youth". In the above works he presented the decline of church music. He tried to prevant the introduction of musical Instruments into churches and he considered this a source of scandal. The cause of this degeneration – according to him – was both the inappropriate repertory and the misbehaviour of the musicians during the mass. The only salvation he saw was a return to the Palestrina style. In our opinion Sierakowski did not preceive the proper reasons for the dacedence of church music: it was not the instruments but the poor church music, lacking in style that was to blame. Sierakowski’s ideas, nevertheless, are worthy of attention.
Słowa kluczowe
Wacław Sierakowski, muzykologia, musicology, muzyka, music, muzyka sakralna, sacred music, Polska, Poland, oświecenie, Enlightenment
Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1987, T. 34, z. 7, s. 365-371.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland