Mistycyzm chorału gregoriańskiego
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego
Gregorian chant is accepted as the first and the most appropriate song of the Latin Church. The excellence of the form and the sacral elements give the primacy to Gregorian chant. The musical, literary and religious advantages of Gregorian chant allow to describe it as spiritual and aesthetic mysticism. The author at the beginning of this article presents the mathematical, symbolic, allegoric and ascetic standards of the musical aesthetics of the middle ages. Afterwards presents the variety of the sacral elements of Gregorian chant – its mystic, meditative, ascetic and consecration character. These attributes are clearly noticed in the melody and the literary text of Gregorian chant. Additionally the article presents the utilitarian character of Gregorian chant in the liturgy. In the final part of this article the author underlines the most important aspects of performing Gregorian chant.
Słowa kluczowe
teologia, theology, mistycyzm, mistyka, mysticism, muzyka liturgiczna, śpiew liturgiczny, liturgical music, liturgical singing, chorał gregoriański, Gregorian chorale, estetyka, aesthetics, średniowiecze, Middle Ages, asceza, asceticism, śpiew gregoriański, monodia gregoriańska, Gregorian chant, Gregorian monody
Liturgia Sacra, 2010, R. 16, nr 1 (35), s. 139-153.
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