Geneza i zawarcie unii brzeskiej




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej


The idea of a union with the Orthodox Church was the result of numerous religious trends in Romę, Poland and in the Orthodox Church itself. It was also influenced by other factors of political and economical naturę. In the beginning the whole Ruthenian clergy and Duke K. Ostrogski were in favour of the Union, while its opponents gathered around Duke A . Kurbski and later around Duke Ostrogski. The access to the union was first declared at the synod of Brest-on-Bug on June 24th,1590 (according to the old style calendar); and the decree of Ruthenian bishops of December 2nd, 1594 was decisive for the union. The delegation of Ruthenian bishops was received by Pope element VIII on December 23rd, 1595. Following that the Pope announced a papai edict „Magnus Dominus” setting conditions of the union between the Catholic and the Orthodox Church in the Polish-Lithuanian State and confirming its oficial status.


Słowa kluczowe

historia, kapłani, duchowieństwo, biskupi, papieże, prawosławie, chrześcijaństwo, XVI w., teologia, Unia brzeska, Unia florencka, dokumenty Kościoła, unia, Kościół, Kościoły chrześcijańskie, Kościoły wschodnie, liturgia, Eucharystia, Komunia Święta, jezuici, history, clergy, priesthood, popes, Eastern Orthodoxy, Christianity, theology, union, Church, Eastern churches, liturgy, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Jesuits, bishops


Premislia Christiana, 1997, T. 7, s. 15-58.


Attribution 3.0 Poland