Boża odpłata według Koheleta




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne


The writers of the Old Testament expressed in a lot of places an idea of the recompense of God for good and bad deeds of a man. In principle the recompense should have to have a worldly character. The comprehensive conception of the recompense expressed in the texts of the Old Testament does not present itself however as homogeneous. Testimonies of a development of this conception and of changes in understanding of it are some statements of Koheleth. According to this Israelite sage God recompenses for deeds of a man, but that does not happen automatically. God, who has power over every man, decides himself, if he recompenses, or how and when. A man yet should act well not for fear of the recompense of God, but because of the fact, that he is created in God’s image and according to God’s likeness.


Słowa kluczowe

Biblia, Pismo Święte, Stary Testament, Księga Koheleta, idea Bożej odpłaty, Boża odpłata, Bóg, Kohelet, zasada odpłaty, odpłata, Bible, Old Testament, Book of Kohelet, idea of Divine recompense, Divine recompense, God, principle of recompense, recompense


Studia Gdańskie, 2009, T. 25, s. 77-99.


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