Wpływ reklamy na proces wychowania dziecka w rodzinie

dc.contributor.authorKułaczkowski, Jerzy
dc.description.abstractThe commonly known saying of “advertising is trade’s mainspring” shows close relation of advertising with this field of human life, which is a possibility of sale and purchase of some goods. It has been like that for many centuries. However, this situation has recently undergone a serious change. Presently, man is exposed to advertising almost permanently because it is present almost everywhere. One may find it on TV and radio programs, in the press, on the streets in the form of billboards, in shops and in the media. Facing its omnipresence it is necessary to ask a very important question concerning nature of advertising. And more specifically: what is its influence on the full development of man, especially a young man, whose personality hasn’t yet completely formed? And so, an important problem appears here of determination of advertising impact on the proper upbringing of man. In the light of the above analyses regarding the influence of advertising on the process of child upbringing in the family, it might be said that advertising nowadays has lost its function, which was to inform about the given goods and encourage to purchase them. Presently, advertisement became means of manipulation of man. Through creation and popularization of illusions concerning the role of things in human life, as well as through various mechanisms, it strives to create a new life style, completely new and different hierarchy of values, new behavior models and moral norms which, not only have little in common with the well being of man – proving that advertising does not care about man’s development – but becomes a negation of the whole civilization output achieved with such difficulty by past generations. Advertising presently constitutes such a great threat for the proper child upbringing from his earliest years, because by arousing his various instincts, it only reduces him to the level of practical value, that is object and not subject. Besides, advertising contributes to making him a slave of things. For this reason the saying of “advertising is trade’s mainspring”, whose existence was justified in the past, should rather be paraphrased as follows: “advertising is the mainspring of false” And where false exists, there are always constraints. We know, however, that: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (J 8,32). It seems that behind this false, promoted by advertising nowadays, the final goal is hidden, that is total destruction of civilization, thanks to which man can reach his full development. That is why family plays such an important role in the cause of proper child upbringing in order to protect him against the destruction emerging from behind advertising. Finally it is worth asking a question: Whose purpose is served by popularization of destruction through contemporary advertising?!pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationStudia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 2003, T. 23, s. 205-216.pl_PL
dc.publisherUniwersytet Opolski. Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznegopl_PL
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Poland*
dc.subjectwpływ reklamypl_PL
dc.subjectproces wychowaniapl_PL
dc.subjectwpływ reklamy na proces wychowania dzieckapl_PL
dc.subjectnatura reklamypl_PL
dc.subjectsposób oddziaływania reklamypl_PL
dc.subjectrezultaty oddziaływania reklamypl_PL
dc.subjectrezultaty oddziaływania reklamy na dzieckopl_PL
dc.subjectupbringing processpl_PL
dc.subjectimpact of commercial on children's upbringingpl_PL
dc.subjectnature of commercialpl_PL
dc.subjectway of commercial's impactpl_PL
dc.subjectresults of commercial's impactpl_PL
dc.subjectresults of commercial's impact on childrenpl_PL
dc.subjectimpact of advertisementpl_PL
dc.subjectimpact of commercialpl_PL
dc.subjectnature of advertisementpl_PL
dc.titleWpływ reklamy na proces wychowania dziecka w rodziniepl_PL
dc.title.alternativeInfluence of Advertising on the Process of Child Upbringing in the Familypl_PL


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