Szkoła organistowska w Przemyślu (1838 – 1914)




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Wydawnictwo Archidiecezji Przemyskiej


This article is an attempt to show an outline of the history of the first diocesan school of organ plying in Przemyśl. The school was established by bishop Michał Tomasz Korczyński and was existing from 1838 to 1914 with a break in eighties of XIX century which was caused by money troubles. The main aim of the school was to teach organ players, who in the futurę could be teachers in parish schools. The program of the teaching was focused on musie subjects (organ and piano playing, singing, theory of musie, structure of organ) and other (religious education, Polish and Latin language). The pupils could also use wind instruments. Some famous teachers from Przemyśl were teaching there as for instance Franciszek Lorenz, father Jan Nikodemowicz. The school was attempt by persons aged 12-17. The school in its activity was teaching from three to sixteen pupils yearly. It was financed mainly by bishops of Przemyśl, clergy, individual benefactors, brotherhood Boni Pastoris and pupils. Poor pupils were exempt from part or totally payment. The school had no big influence on the situation of the time of church musie but it contributed to its improvement.


Słowa kluczowe

muzyka, organy, Przemyśl, szkoły, diecezje, diecezja przemyska, szkoła organistowska, historia, edukacja, wychowanie, religia, etyka, moralność, biblioteki, music, schools, dioceses, history, education, upbringing, religion, ethics, morality, libraries, church organs


Premislia Christiana, 2006-2007, T. 12, s. 399-436.


Attribution 3.0 Poland