Napiętnowanie niewierności i obłudy narodu wybranego przez proroków okresu asyryjskiego w państwie południowym




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


Prophets of Assyrian period in south nation stigmatize infidelity of the chosen nation, pride, sins of leaders and hypocrisy and deviation of cultural practices. Sins of leaders of Israel especially aim in social order. Prophets of VIII century before Christ criticize celebrated cult by these, who say that during victims, pilgrimages, or external prayer can enter into direct relationship with the God. Meanwhile the way access to the God is listen his words and perform his will, what should be reflected in social relations and in practice of justice and mercy. The minor thing of prophets irritation is attitude and behavior holding the cult. Prophets show that sins of the chosen nation will bring God’s punishment and irreversible judgment day. The nation can gain forgiveness, so prophets invoke Israelites to conversion.


Słowa kluczowe

naród wybrany, prorocy, okres asyryjski, starożytność, niewierność, obłuda, grzech, Izrael, Biblia, Pismo Święte, bunt Izraelitów przeciwko Bogu, Bóg, bunt, niesprawiedliwość, grzechy przywódców narodu, przywódcy, bałwochwalstwo, sąd Boży, niewierność narodu wybranego, kara, chosen nation, prophets, Assyrian period, antiquity, unfaithfulness, hypocrisy, sin, Israel, Bible, Israelite rebellion against God, God, rebellion, injustice, sins of the nation's leaders, leaders, idolatry, God's judgement, unfaithfulness of the chosen people, punishment


Analecta Cracoviensia, 2011, t. 43, s. 61-77.


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