Non-Diocesan Bishop of Gniezno Stanisław Bross




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The period of time when the Primate of Poland Stefan Wyszyński was imprisoned (1950-1953) is thought to be extremely challenging to the Polish Catholic Church. He was the head of church as well as the voice of nation who opposed the power of Communists in the country in a very explicit and radical way. After his imprisonment and isolation from the outside world, the Communist authorities started the massive infiltration and surveillance of Church. A mitered prelate, Stanisław Bross, who usurped the title of a diocesan bishop assumed power over the primate’s diocese. The Institute of National Remembrance and the Archdiocese of Gniezno do not offer any evidence of Stanisław Bross cooperation with services of the Polish People’s Republic. However, there are strong indications of his conscious and deliberate actions. His usurpation of the power in Church was leading to many divisions among the clergy. After the release a cardinal Wyszyński deprived the man of all dignity and ecclesiastical offices. The following text is the first sourcing and holistic research paper about his life and services. It includes a detailed description of the primate’s imprisonment period as well as the evaluation of the period of time.


Artykuł w języku angielskim.

Słowa kluczowe

polski Kościół katolicki, Stefan Wyszyński, Gniezno, Kościół, uwięzienie Prymasa, uwięzienie Stefana Wyszyńskiego, prymasi, Prymas Polski, Kościół katolicki, Kościół w Polsce, Kościół katolicki w Polsce, historia, historia Kościoła, Stanisław Bross, biskupi, kardynałowie, prześladowanie, represje, Polish Catholic Church, imprisonment of the Polish Primate, Church, imprisonment of Stefan Wyszyński, primate, Primate of Poland, Catholic Church, Church in Poland, Catholic Church in Poland, history, Church history, bishops, cardinals, persecution, crackdown


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2017, T. 64, nr 4, s. 125-147.


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