Roczniki Teologiczne, 2017, T. 64, nr 4 (English version)

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  • Miniatura
    The Mysticism of Love in „De virginitate” of St. Gregory of Nyssa
    Wyrąbkiewicz, Agnieszka (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    Primeval East Church was very careful in the use of classical greek’s terms specyfying love. The article presents conception breaking above tendency – the idea of ecstatic, ardent eros in St. Gregory’s of Nyssa first written tractate – De virginitate, and is intended to submit variety of types of love and role of love in virginal life. The bishop of Nyssa, seeing main purpose of all human efforts in assimilation to God, emphasizes the virtue of chastity, which increases with love. Owing to this virtue, soul-bride reflects in itself intertrinitarian relations. Through love man rises his nature, assuming triad assigned to nature of God: holiness, impeccability and chastity, and becoming completely and entirely open to experience of spiritual marriage with God.”
  • Miniatura
    Rigorism and Moral Laxity in Early Christian Heritical Movements Based on "Diversarum hereseon liber" of Philastrius of Brescia
    Szram, Mariusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The objective of the article is to illustrate the two extremes represented by the broad assortment of movements: the ascetic rigorism and moral laxity. The primary source of text is the first Latin catalogue of heresies, written between 380 and 388 by the Bishop of Brescia, Philastrius. The source selection was dictated on twofold grounds. The treaty contains the most numerous descriptions of heretical groups, yet at the same time is the least known of its kind. The information enclosed in Philastrius’ work, summarized in a comparative manner with the descriptions found in other patristic catalogues of heresy – by Epiphanius, Theodoret of Cyrus, John Damascene, Augustine and Isidore of Seville – lead to the following conclusions: 1) for the most part heretical movements followed the ascetic radicalism, motivated most habitually by an exaggerated literal exegesis of the biblical texts (eg. Gnostics, Encratites, Discalced); 2) the few of the laxative-approach movements operated on moral promiscuity (eg. Simonians, Carpocratians, Symmachians), the extent of which is difficult to assess due to the raised issues with the objectivity of Philastrius’ work – undermined by the use of invectives and the apologetic attitude of the author employed in order to defend the orthodox doctrine and morals; 3) paradoxically, there existed also groups that combined inconsistently promiscuity with the elements of asceticism (eg. Borborites, Adamites).
  • Miniatura
    Historical Aspects in the Preaching of Blessed Rev. Jerzy Popieluszko
    Szczecina, Grzegorz Kamil (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    Form Blessed Rev. Jerzy Popieluszko and the content of his sermons, preached in the church Stanislaus Kostka in Warsaw’s Żoliborz already permanently etched in the history of Polish. Celebrated by him during martial law masses for the country attracted crowds of the faithful, and the content of homilies were full of patriotic and historical aspects. “Żoliborz preacher” in their teaching often referred to the events connected with the history of Polish, as well as profiles of genuine patriots to show a true and lasting values, as well as a remedy for man during the communist enslavement. Images of Polish history in the ministry, “the words” served Rev. Popieluszko to show the source of hope and witness the strength and, above all, to the example of the rebirth of the nation, even the most tragic moments of history. Using the historical aspects of the “martyr of communism”, he also wanted to show where lies the cause of the fall of man and the nation, and how, building on God, tormented society can be reborn.
  • Miniatura
    The Path to Holiness According to Origen
    Romanek, Jacek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The article displays the concept of the path leading to saintliness found within the extant early Christian works of the renowned theologian – Origen of Alexandria (185-253/254). The Alexandrian theologian creatively construes Saint Paul’s notions simultaneously employing allegorical exegesis to the biblical texts of the Old Testament. According to Origen, a Christian life is a dynamic process driven by two important life moments: 1) the conversion and baptism as a recovery of the slurred by sin God’s image and attaining of the state of initial holiness; 2) complete state of saintliness in the last days, towards which a Christian is progressing in his earthly life in order to perfect the semblance to God in himself through the acquisition of virtues. In Origen’s view of holiness, it is neither a state intricate to attain nor reserved only for the chosen ones, yet a bequest given by God at baptism, and at the same time tasked to every believer for life.
  • Miniatura
    In die tribulationis: the Ordaining of Priests for the Diocese of Lublin During the Second World War
    Marczewski, Jarosław R. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    A major problem of the diocese of Lublin during the Second World War was the replenishment of its clergy. In the initial period of the war, Lublin Seminary remained closed. Its bishops were arrested and deported from Lublin. In these circumstances, it was necessary to use some extraordinary efforts to continue the formation of seminarians and lead them to ordination. Right after the Germans entered Lublin in September 1939, the Lublin Auxiliary Bishop, Władysław Goral, still succeeded in ordaining a few seminarians in the seminary church. Then, in 1940, the auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Pińsk, Karol Niemira, arrived in Lublin and ordained a large group of seminarians. In 1941, one seminarian was ordained in Vilnius. Some regularity in ordination returned in the years 1941-1944, when the Germans allowed the Lublin Seminary to reopen. The seminarians had to travel in small groups to Nowy Sącz, though, where the bishop of the diocese of Lublin, Marian Leon Fulman, was interned. They were secretly ordained by him in the private chapel of the rectory. Shortly after he returned to Lublin, but before the war was ended in 1945, Bishop Fulman ordained another seminarian in his bishop’s chapel. In total, during the Second World War, fifty-seven new priests were ordained for the diocese of Lublin.
  • Miniatura
    The Armenian Rite Archdiocese of Lviv in Light of the Archdiocesan Schema from 1939
    Krucki, Łukasz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    Diocesan schema constitute a valuable source of knowledge on various ecclesial, diocesan or monastic communities. These important publications were also drafted for Eastern Rite Catholic Churches. One of the most interesting documents, albeit largely unknown, is the Armenian Rite Archdiocese of Lviv schema prepared in 1939, currently stored within the Archdiocese Archive in Gniezno. The information contained within this document reference the period directly preceding the start of the Second World War, which for the Armenian Rite Archdiocese of Lviv was a time of sede vacante after the death of Archbishop Józef Teodorowicz. Thanks to data contained within the schema, it is possible to recreate an image of the Armenian Rite Archdiocese of Lviv, which in 1939 was divided into 3 deanaries (Lviv, Stanisławów and Kuck), 8 territorial parishes and 1 personal parish (for the military in Łowicz). It consisted of ca. 5300 followers and 25 clergymen, of which 17 worked directly as priests. The schema additionally supplies a lot of information related to rich Armenian history and culture, their input with regards to propagating education in the Eastern borderlands and to aiding those in need.
  • Miniatura
    The Baptism of Mieszko in 966: the Evolution of Scientific Theories on the Basis of Archaeological Discoveries
    Górecki, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    When Mieszko I went into the water of baptism he opened for the posterity the access not only to the family of the kingdom out of this world, but also to the family of nations of the western culture. His decision started the Polish state. The distance in time and scarce source material cause that the research process is still in progress. The author on the basis of written sources shows how scientific theories considering baptism of Mieszko changed and evolved. Confirmation or falsification of these theories is searched on the basis of archaeological discoveries. On the basis of the research to date the author presents how the main theories considering formation of Polish state based on the decision of baptism of the ruler himself were changing. After presentation of the Mieszko’s state in 966, main hypotheses concerning gene-sis, time and place as well as effects of the baptism of the ruler are pointed out. The theories changed due to the influence of reading sources, political events, comparative research performed through the years and, lately, on the basis of archaeological research and results achieved thanks to the use of the newest research technologies. The baptism of Mieszko was most probably on the territory of Gniezno state in 966 (maybe on Easter Eve). The effects of his decision triggered formation of Christian identity of the Polish state, however, the ruler had probably purposes which were less distant in time, including religious purpose.
  • Miniatura
    Non-Diocesan Bishop of Gniezno Stanisław Bross
    Damazyn, Michał (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The period of time when the Primate of Poland Stefan Wyszyński was imprisoned (1950-1953) is thought to be extremely challenging to the Polish Catholic Church. He was the head of church as well as the voice of nation who opposed the power of Communists in the country in a very explicit and radical way. After his imprisonment and isolation from the outside world, the Communist authorities started the massive infiltration and surveillance of Church. A mitered prelate, Stanisław Bross, who usurped the title of a diocesan bishop assumed power over the primate’s diocese. The Institute of National Remembrance and the Archdiocese of Gniezno do not offer any evidence of Stanisław Bross cooperation with services of the Polish People’s Republic. However, there are strong indications of his conscious and deliberate actions. His usurpation of the power in Church was leading to many divisions among the clergy. After the release a cardinal Wyszyński deprived the man of all dignity and ecclesiastical offices. The following text is the first sourcing and holistic research paper about his life and services. It includes a detailed description of the primate’s imprisonment period as well as the evaluation of the period of time.