Spirituality of Christian Mercy in Context of a Culture of Exclusion ‒ the Poor




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The article raises a problem of the spirituality of Christian charity with a particular emphasis on poverty. Firstly, it focuses on the culture of exclusion and its many dimensions, drawing on the recent Polish studies. Following that it emphasises the foundations of Christian charity. Further, it goes on to presenting the ecclesial (Church and community based) dimension of the ministry of mercy and a number of both internal and external difficulties in the practical implementation of this idea in the specific conditions of daily life. The article concludes that exclusion is a particular area in life that calls for the ministry of charity towards the ones in need.


Artykuł w języku angielskim. Tłumaczenie artykułu / Article translated by Karolina Jurak.

Słowa kluczowe

miłość, ubóstwo, duchowość chrześcijańska, duchowość, chrześcijaństwo, teologia, teologia duchowości, ubodzy, duchowość miłosierdzia chrześcijańskiego, miłosierdzie, miłosierdzie chrześcijańskie, charity, poverty, Christian spirituality, Christianity, theology, theology of spirituality, poverty-stricken, spirituality of Christian mercy, mercy, Christian mercy


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2017, T. 64, nr 5, s. 79-90.


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