Roczniki Teologiczne, 2017, T. 64, nr 5 (English version)

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  • Miniatura
    The Common Relations Among Culture and Faith, and Christian Spirituality – Historic View
    Zarzycki, Stanisław T. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The broken relation among culture and faith becomes “drama of our times” (Paul VI), thus, overcoming that broken relation has always been a challenge for the Church, catholic theology and spirituality. This article, first, signals the penetration of culture into Christianity and makes you more familiar with what ancients fought about culture. And next, gives two positive examples about shaping the culture through the faith; first, in the Karolin epoch (7th ‒ 9th century), using the example of Benedict monks’ contribution, second, in the golden era of French spirituality (17th century), using the examples of Saint Francis de Sales’ spiritual teachings and Saint Vincent de Paul’s educational and charity works. The further part of the article shows the progressing departure of culture from faith beginning with French Renaissance and through the era of Enlightenment until the complete cessation of common relation in philosophical currents of 19th century. The last part of the article shows the new relation of the Church to the world and culture initiated by the Second Vatican Council, which further was continued and developed through the teachings of the Popes Paul VI and John Paul II, and evangelism activity. Such relation is based upon a wide understanding of culture (what was worked out by secular science and expresses themselves (among other things) in inculturation of the faith, faith’s creative role of culture and intermediary role of faith in realization of evangelization.
  • Miniatura
    Ecological Spirituality as a New Approach to the Relationship of God, Man, and Nature
    Zalewski, Sławomir (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    An article presents environmental issues of spirituality in their relationship to God, man and the environment on the basis of the encyclical of Pope Francis Laudato Si'. The Pope took up the current and complicated issue, analysis of which is exposed to various forms of reductionism or ideologies. His view of ecological spirituality is based on the foundation of God the Creator, who gave the world the natural order and also created and shaped the hierarchy of beings. This premise protects against reductionist looking at the man and at the same time ‒ before usurp his absolute power. On this foundation, the Holy Father could develop postulate of the contemplative perception of the world in which he discovers the creatures as objects to use, but above all he sees in them a gift and value given to the man. Such a deep vision can rediscover anew God as Creator and Father for the love of establishing the human world into existence. Thanks to the origin of coming from one Father, Christian sees in others, especially in the weakest and defenceless a brother with whom he has ties of solidarity and love. Finally, the world is seen not as a place of exploitation and prey, but as a mystery that leads to God and God is the full explanation of it. The deeper the mind enlightened by faith contemplates the world, the more he sees beauty and infinity of God. And at the same time more closely connects with God, the more the world reveals to him its beauty and close relationship with the Creator.
  • Miniatura
    Cues of Christian Spirituality in Contemporary Polish Literature
    Seul, Anastazja (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The article seeks answers to following questions: Can literature get by without spirituality? Does the spirituality in our literature have Christian form? Having this as its aim, the article portrays understanding of the term “spirituality” in Theology as well as the need to work out an understanding of this particular term in Humanities. The article states that this has to be done in a form of a dialog with the Theology of the Spirituality. Presented literal analyses of particular texts are an attempt to characterize some references to Christian spirituality that exist in Polish literature.
  • Miniatura
    Spirituality in the Dialogue of the Faithful with Atheists, Agnostics, and Religiously Ambivalent in the Context of "Courtyard of the Gentiles"
    Sawa, Przemysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    Pluralism of contemporary worldviews makes it challenging for Christianity to enter into a dialogue with different opinions, especially those relating to (non)existence of God and foundations of man’s life. Such a discussion is also difficult with the atheist, agnostic and religiously ambivalent circles. The source of this discourse lays in the human nature, which strives for unity with others, and in Christ’s Great Commission. Moreover, the evolution of contemporary world, a peculiar spiritual crisis of many and effectively a crisis of human identity, rules, priorities and values demands a firm voice on the supernatural dimension of human’s life, on the authentic and healthy humanism and on the value of universal virtues, especially when it comes to life, health, mutual respect and culture. Thus, the Church is called to accommodate people that are outside of its moral or formal structures. This results from the nature of its mission and prevents it from becoming a marginal group seen as a cult, as a historic relic or as an organisation limiting man's freedom. Therefore, it becomes necessary to organise various meetings relating to the “Courtyard of Gentiles” or “Courtyard Dialogue.” This is also an opportunity to pick up healthy Christian apologetic, which is necessary because of the nature of faith itself, and to confront the dogmatic atheism which is more and more aggressive towards religion, especially towards Catholicism. Dialogue of the faithful with the gentiles is necessary. It also encourages exploring of the world and facilitates common existence in the society. For the baptised the perspective of evangelisation and the true respect for their interlocutors are equally important.
  • Miniatura
    Spirituality of Christian Mercy in Context of a Culture of Exclusion ‒ the Poor
    Rybicki, Adam (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The article raises a problem of the spirituality of Christian charity with a particular emphasis on poverty. Firstly, it focuses on the culture of exclusion and its many dimensions, drawing on the recent Polish studies. Following that it emphasises the foundations of Christian charity. Further, it goes on to presenting the ecclesial (Church and community based) dimension of the ministry of mercy and a number of both internal and external difficulties in the practical implementation of this idea in the specific conditions of daily life. The article concludes that exclusion is a particular area in life that calls for the ministry of charity towards the ones in need.
  • Miniatura
    Institute of Spiritual Theology at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin: Report for the Academic Year 2015/2016
    Rybicki, Adam (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
  • Miniatura
    Reality of a Sin and How to Overcome It
    Popławski, Jarosław M. (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    In theology, a sin is described as mysterium iniquitatis and absolution from it ‒ mysterium salutis or pietatis. In the New Testament a sin is always connected with absolution, “forgiveness,” and sinners are of great concern for Jesus. Nevertheless, modern culture becomes more and more detached from Christian tradition and thus deprives a human being of the spiritual values and makes him become further impoverished. This article provides a synthetic discussion of the reality of a sin ‒ “mystery of illicitness” and also reflects on repentance and reconciliation with God and with one’s own neighbour. The reflections presented in this article are based on the teachings of the contemporary Church and on the Papal teachings especially.
  • Miniatura
    Ecclesial Spirituality Against the Threats of Utilitarianism and Consumerism
    Paszkowska, Teresa (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The paper presents ecclesial spirituality in opposition to anthropological threats brought about by utilitarianism and consumerism. It shows ecclesial spirituality from the angle of its (paradoxically) vertical fundament, derived from the “faith in the event” (Jean Daniélou) of the eternity plunging into the earthly sphere. It provokes the contemporary culture, contesting some of its canons. It also protects man against the expansion of those social trends which, reducing the status of a human person, answer its “desire for happiness” with offers such as: purchase, use and “letting off steam.” Utilitarianism and consumerism are animated by a spirit directed horizontally, leading man towards goods that are material, financial, ludic or prestige-oriented, characterized by shortterm, “seasonal” usefulness. They do not bring the purchasers long-lasting satisfaction (of possessing and consuming), instead they raise “self-digesting passion,” which enforces a style of constant purchasing “something new” (fashionable today) and getting rid of “the old” (the previous season).Spirituality open to transcendence, based on evangelical vision of man and humanity faces the necessity of preserving its own identity from being contaminated by the “spirit of the times,” and of promoting anthropology in which man, multiplying goods (work, creativity, economics) uses them decently and honestly (ethical norms), preserving the ability to delay (“not now”) the experience of happiness and persistent (with faith) reaching for eternal perspectives.
  • Miniatura
    Report on the Activities of the Chairs. Diploma Theses at the Institute of Spiritual Theology of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and Other Forms of Activity in 2016
    Chmielewski, Marek; Rybicki, Adam (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
  • Miniatura
    Christian Spirituality in the Background of Modern Conceptions of Spirituality: Outline of Issues
    Chmielewski, Marek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 2017)
    The notion of “spirituality” is very popular in the contemporary times and therethrough is an ambiguous. The abundant literature of the object presents different conceptions of the spirituality, so we can qualify them as a “new spirituality”. The atheistic spirituality (or the spirituality without God) and the psychology of spirituality are the most distinguishes among them. The common feature of them is to base on written in human nature the ability to a transcendency. Also Karol Wojtyła in that ability to the autotranscendency sees the essence of spirituality, which manifests oneself in wide understanding of the culture and of the civilization. The author of the article proposes to name this basic form of spirituality which has its source in human nature the anthropogenical spirituality. If the ability to autotranscendency has a soteriological direction, it becomes then the religious spirituality. The Christian spirituality is her special form by virtue of the supernatural factor. Because its character is “from above”, it is not reducible to other form of spirituality. Contained in the last part of the article the methodological proposal admits to solve, from one side, the possible tension between different symptoms of the “new spirituality”, especially the spirituality without God, and the Christian spirituality. From the second side, it forbids to put an equals sign between them. On the background of different symptoms of “the new spirituality” and the psychology of spirituality, the Christian spirituality appears as a particularly remarkable the proposal of the transcendency and of the fulfilling of the human spirit.