Paralelizm syntaktyczny we współczesnych homiliach obrzędowych
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
The paper discusses these parallel structures which appear in complex sentences of the three types of ritual homilies. The material under analysis includes 68 contemporary homilies (24 baptismal, 21 wedding, 23 funeral), appearing in G. Siwek's book Homilie obrzędowe (Ritual Homilies). Syntactic analysis of complex sentences was carried out according to traditional syntax conception. It showed that the basic stylistic device employed here is parallelism (it is simultaneously a factor which brings in order and introduces an element of regularity in the construction of multiple complex sentences.) The domination of parallel structures, which are the result of the so called language automatization, is clearly perceived. Not only independent parts of a sentence are parallel, but also whole syntax groups. Ritual homilies are characterised by a tendency to enlarge the capacity of the component sentence through nominal structures, which results from using parallelisms facilitating the constructing of a sentence by a preacher.
Słowa kluczowe
homilia, paralelizm, semantyka, syntaktyka, homilie obrzędowe, język, środki stylistyczne, poetyka, gramatyka, homily, parallelism, semantics, syntactics, language, poetics, grammar, kazania, sermons
Polonia Sacra, 2002, R. 6 (24), Nr 11 (55), s. 191-210.
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