Hierarchs of the Diocese of Sejny or Augustów: Aspects of the Collective Biography of Bishops and Administrators
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
The article focuses on the nineteen ordinaries, suffragan bishops, and administrators of the diocese of Sejny or Augustów who governed the diocese throughout its existence. In terms of social origin, nine or ten of them came from the nobility and five from peasants; one was probably an urban resident, one of the craftspeople, and two of uncertain social origin. Geographically, ten hierarchs came from other dioceses. Nine hierarchs were born in the diocese of Sejny or Augustów. In terms of ethnic origin, we see one Armenian, one Jew, and five or six clergymen of Lithuanian origin (there are doubts regarding Bonaventūra Butkevičius). Other clergymen were Poles. Theological education of most of the hierarchs of the diocese of Sejny or Augustów was limited to graduation from a seminary. This applies to ten of them. Others studied at higher education institutions for a longer or shorter time and five of them had doctoral degrees (including two with honorary doctorates). Of the nineteen hierarchs, four bishops and all seven administrators were members of the Sejny cathedral chapter. Five bishops had ecclesiastical careers in other dioceses before becoming ordinaries of the diocese of Sejny or Augustów, three of whom were suffragan bishops of other dioceses, and one was the administrator of the Archdiocese of Warsaw. One hierarch was appointed bishop while the diocese of Wigry still existed. Two of the bishops had not risen through the hierarchy, that is, they were not members of a cathedral chapter before becoming bishops of Sejny. Most of the hierarchs of the diocese of Sejny or Augustów were of the mature age of over 50 years.
Artykuł w języku angielskim.
Słowa kluczowe
diocese of Sejny or Augustów, bishops, diocesan administrators, social origin, diecezja sejneńska czyli augustowska, biskupi, pochodzenie społeczne, diecezje, dioceses, hierarchowie kościelni, Church hierarchs, diecezja sejneńska, diecezja augustowska, historia, history
Studia Ełckie, 2022, T. 24, nr 1, s. 37-53.
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