Przepowiadanie w ramach obrzędów pogrzebowych




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The present article contains a discussion of the basi instructions concerning the liturgy of word, which are contained in the new Funeral rites introduced in Poland on 1 November 1978. At the beginning the author discusses the place and the form of the liturgy of word in the three different admissible kinds of funerals. Here the necessity of preaching the Gospel was strongly stressed – regardless of the form which is to be given to the whole of the funeral rite. In the second p art of the paper the author passes to a discussion of the contents of the sermons. On the one hand he warns against introducing panegyrical elements and against shallow m oralization, and on the other, he recommends stressing the following topics: Worldly death is not the end of life. Passing through death towards the full life is the human response to Christ’s call. Passing through death towards the full life shows the sense of Christ’s work of salvation. Death as a revelation of the sense of hum an sufferings and hum an sacrifice. Belief in eternal life gives a sense to the internal work aiming at the full metanoia. Belief on eternal life gies a sense to hum an work. Belief in eternal life is a testimony of those who build the Church. Respect for those who have passed. The topics m entioned in the paper were chosen in order to serve as exam ples and by no means do they claim to exhaust the whole of the problem.


Słowa kluczowe

teologia, theology, kaznodziejstwo, preaching, przepowiadanie, obrzędy pogrzebowe, funeral rites, pogrzeby, funerals, kazania, sermons, liturgia słowa, liturgy of the Word, liturgia, liturgy, śmierć, death, zmarli, dead


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1979, T. 26, z. 6, s. 75-82.


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