Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1979, T. 26, z. 6

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  • Miniatura
    Wspólnoty neokatechumenalne jako jedna z form duszpasterstwa ewangelizacji
    Czerwiński, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1979)
    The paper is concerned with a special kind of ministry, which is not yet very widespread and has an equally little widespread name of ministry of evangelization. In the article the notion of this kind of ministry is discussed and the need of its development in the parishes sown. Most generally speaking, ministry of evangelization consists in creating small, living communities in parishes in which people gradually reach the mature faith. The fruit of such faith is the love of one’s neighbours developing till it becomes the love of even one’s enemies and the specifically Christian unity growing on the basis of this love and going beyond all the limits normally deviding people into different groups, i.e. the Church community. Owing to these two signs a community can be a missionary, evangelizing one. The ministry of evangelization solves fairly effectively two essential problems which are generally rather badly dealt with by priests. These problems are: the existence in parishes of a considerable number of people whose Christianity is inconsistent and the existence of people who have walked so far away from the Church that it is very difficult to reach them by normal priestly measures. This ministry is a continuation of the ancient institution of catechumenate. Owing to this it can lead to a solution of those difficult problems, since it strikes at their main source which is the lack of leading people to convertion and to the mature faith.
  • Miniatura
    Współczesne głoszenie Ewangelii Dzieciństwa Jezusa według Łukasza
    Pracz, Jan (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1979)
  • Miniatura
    Rola spowiednika w kształtowaniu postawy pokutnej młodzieży
    Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1979)
    The antynomy of the Kingdom of God and the sin which lasts in the Church is overcome by the Christian penitential attitude – metanoia. The paper assumes the understanding of the penitential attitude as it is formulated in the Constitution Poenitemini, i.e. treats it as a relatively stable aspiration to improve the life basing on God’s love. The role of the confessor in shaping the penitential attitude in young people is considered from the theoretical and empirical sides. First the role of the confessor in the theological and psychological-educational aspects is discussed. The discussion of the theological aspect is based on the new Ordo Poenitentiae an the post-council formulation of sacrament of reconsiliation. The development of the control of the inner like in the light of the rules referring to Christian education is also presented. Various forms, aims and means assumed by the educational guidance in the succesive stages of the self-cognizing process are pointed to. Also the educational elements depending on the confessor are discussed. The empirical part presents young people's (200 persons) suggestions towards the confessor, taking into consideration the possibilities of the educational influence of the priest, as the respondents see them, as well as the participation of the confessor in the confession which caused the greatest change. Presenting attempts od a cooperation of young people and the confessor, statements about self-dependence or cooperation in planning an improvement of life and appraisals of the use of the same confessor are analyzed. In the empirical part also comparisons of the obtained opinions and an analysis of Italian young people’s (280 persons) opinions on a similar subject are done. Againts the background of the confrontation of theoretical assumptions and the young people’s opinions, pastoral-catechetic conclusions are drawn.
  • Miniatura
    Kerygmat pisemny w teorii i praktyce Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego
    Drączkowski, Franciszek (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1979)
    In Clement of Alexandria’s conception of kerygma a special stress was put on its necessity resulting either from the natural need of ”spiritual giving birth”, teaching evry truth, including God’s truth, or from Jesus Christs’s order, who by his Gospel wants to lead all the people to the faith which would salve them. Since the salvation is universal, the kerygma is also to become universal – in two aspects: historical and geographical. This suggestion probably influenced a full appreciation of the role of the written message, which in the times of persecutions in a fuller way realized the rule of the universality of kerygma reaching even those places, which could not be reached by missionaries, and the rule of the uninterrupted continuity, which is proved e.g. by preserved till today writings of the early Christian literature. Semantic analyses of the word ’’kerygma”, in its primary etymology so closely connected with the oral message, show, that in the patristic literature by this word not only the very activity of transmitting the doctrine, but first of all the contents of the evangelical message which is carried in both the written and spoken form was denoted. All these facts undoubtedly influenced the suggestion made by Clement, concerned with the full equality of the two kinds of kerygma: oral and written. In order that the written kerygma could reach its target, the fulfilment of certain conditions is necessary, concerning both the person giving the kerygma (purity of the apostolic intention, proper preparation in the sphere of general intellectual culture and theological education), the contents of the kerygma (authentic teachings of the Church, contents fitting the mentality of the addressees) and the form of the kerygma (simplicity of style, rule of initiation). By the presented model of the apostolic work Clement continues as well as develops St. Paul’s ideal of mission by joining the features of Kerix of Gospel with the features of a learned theologian enriching his preachings with a philosophical reflection. The analysis of Stromata also shows, that even if we consider them as a literary work of art, in Clement’s intention they were to be first of all a written kerygma, both in their form and contents. The theoretical rules of the written kerygma he introduces are at once practically applied in the work he creates.
  • Miniatura
    Przepowiadanie w ramach obrzędów pogrzebowych
    Brzozowski, Mieczysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1979)
    The present article contains a discussion of the basi instructions concerning the liturgy of word, which are contained in the new Funeral rites introduced in Poland on 1 November 1978. At the beginning the author discusses the place and the form of the liturgy of word in the three different admissible kinds of funerals. Here the necessity of preaching the Gospel was strongly stressed – regardless of the form which is to be given to the whole of the funeral rite. In the second p art of the paper the author passes to a discussion of the contents of the sermons. On the one hand he warns against introducing panegyrical elements and against shallow m oralization, and on the other, he recommends stressing the following topics: Worldly death is not the end of life. Passing through death towards the full life is the human response to Christ’s call. Passing through death towards the full life shows the sense of Christ’s work of salvation. Death as a revelation of the sense of hum an sufferings and hum an sacrifice. Belief in eternal life gives a sense to the internal work aiming at the full metanoia. Belief on eternal life gies a sense to hum an work. Belief in eternal life is a testimony of those who build the Church. Respect for those who have passed. The topics m entioned in the paper were chosen in order to serve as exam ples and by no means do they claim to exhaust the whole of the problem.
  • Miniatura
    Hymny maryjne dawne i współczesne w odnowionej Liturgii Godzin
    Danielski, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1979)
    The modern revision of the Roman Breviary also led to a change in the hymn collection: while the latest editions contained 160 hymns, the renewed book entitled Liturgia Horarum comprises 291 hymns. The paper presents only the collection of hymns about the Virgin Mary: the process of increasing the quantity, the present quantity and origin of the hymns, and finally the chronology of growing the Virgin Mary cult motives in these hymns. The increase of the number of hymns from 4 in 1563 to 24 in 1955 started at the beginning of the 18th century and depends on the increase of the standing of the Marian feasts or on their introduction (of Seven Dolours, Rosary, of the Immaculate Conception, the Holy Virgin Mary of Lourdes, of Maternity, of the Assumption since 1950, and of Mary the Queen since 1955). In adition, on the basis of the author’s own research, 9 hymns about the Virgin Mary which were used in Poland in the 13th and 16th centuries (Cracow) as well as 8 hymns introduced to Proprium Poloniae in the 20th century are presented. The reform of the calendar in 1969 had an effect of stressing the importance of some of the feasts by an addition of some hymns or their better choice. The feasts of the Immaculate Conception, Mother of God, the Assumption, and also of the Visitation, of the Dolourous Virgin Mary and Mary the Queen have three hymns each; the Nativity and Presentation of the Virigin Mary – two hymns each; and of Rosary – only one. Besides, in Commune now there are 6 hymns, among them a fragment of Dante’s Paradise. Altogether the present liturgy has accepted 29 hymns about the Virgin Mary; moreover, the Marian contents are found in 10 hymns about the Mystery of the Incarnation (Christ’s Nativity, Presentation and Annunciation). In this group only 8 hymns were written in the modern times. Hymns dating from before the end of the 6th century worship Mary’s virginal maternity, those from the 7th-9th centuries introduce the title of Mother of the Creator and Mother of Grace; only from the 10th century on hymns, especially those by St. Peter Damian, address Mary herself; hymns from the 12th-14th centuries show Mary’s contribution to salvation and her spiritual maternity; hymns from the 15th-17th century address Mary as the refuge of sinners. The authors writing in the 19th and 20th centuries (Leo XIII, B. Verghetti, and the anonymous author of the latest hymn about the Visitation) treat Mary as the victorious Mother of the faithful and finally as an example of bringing Christ to people.
  • Miniatura
    Rola ruchu odnowy w podniesieniu stanu organistowskiego w Polsce w latach 1881-1903
    Wit, Zbigniew (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1979)
  • Miniatura
    Kronika Instytutu Teologii Pastoralnej KUL (1975-1978)
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1979)