Miejsce i zadania rodziny w życiu społecznym




Tytuł czasopisma

ISSN czasopisma

Tytuł tomu


Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


Currently the family is under the influence of broad, deep and rapid social and cultural changes. These transformations create new role models and new hazards for family life. Many families survive these pressures remaining faithful to the values that form the foundations of the family institution. One must seek the prototype of the family in God himself. The family has its beginning in God's mystery. With the creation of a family appears a new unity, in which communion of the married couple finds its fulfilment Christ has raised the unity of the couple to the rank of a sacrament. This unity does not isolate married couples, it is not for them alone. It is open to new life and new human beings. Married couples are therefore in the service of life. Their parenthood is linked closely with the function of bringing up children. The family is a community of people, the smallest social cell, and as such is an institution fundamental to the life of every society. Within it are bom citizens and in it they find their first school of social virtues, which determine the life and development of society. The family by its nature opens onto other families and societies, undertaking their social tasks. A Christian family's basic tasks include the work of the church. It is called to build the Kingdom of God throughout time by participating in the life and mission of the Church. The Church and the Christian family are linked by mutual ties that make the family a „Church in miniature” In a way it becomes a reflection and a historical revelation of the Church's mystery.


Słowa kluczowe

rodzina, społeczeństwo, życie społeczne, małżeństwo, Bóg, chrześcijaństwo, rodzicielstwo, socjologia, wspólnota, pokój, służba, Kościół, family, society, social life, marriage, God, Christianity, parenthood, sociology, community, peace, service, Church, sakramenty, sacraments


Polonia Sacra, 2003, R. 7 (25), Nr 12 (56), s. 105-124.


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