Polonia Sacra, 2003, R. 7 (25), Nr 12 (56)

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  • Miniatura
    Apokaliptyczne „konie”
    Zbroja, Bogdan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    Saint Jean utilise le mot „cheval” 16 fois, et en plus dans 7 situations différentes. Le plupart de ces scènes – ça vent dire 5, se référé au monde militaire, tandis que seulement 2 concerne le monde civil. L'auteur rempli du Saint Esprit se sert du motif du cheval pour inroduire ces lecteurs dans le monde de sa vision. Le cheval pour Saint Jean c'est avant tont un animal militaire, fort et rapide. Il est un symbole qui souligne les traits de caractère du cavalier parceque le couleur adéquat du cheval reflète et coresponde à la qualité et aux devoirs de son maître. L'harmonie de l'armée préparée â la bataille – c'est pour le Visionane de Patmos, le tableau représentatif des personnages apocalyptiques précipités au combat contre le mal. Le cheval signifie aussi le luxe dans la vie de Babyloniens. Cependant le mors du cheval sont le mesure de la profondeur du sang exprimé des maux par l'entremise de la colère du Dieu.
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    Zawsze Dziewica Maryja w wierze i teologii Kościoła
    Życiński, Wojciech (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    Just after II Vatican Council theological consideration on the subject of virginity of Mary was still dominated by the old, precouncil terminology, which employed biological and anatomical terms. The authors of the Dutch Catechism published in 1966 moved from one extreme to the other devoting just one sentence to the virginity of Mary. H. Küng goes further still, by saying in Christ sein that the virginity of Mary, or the virgin conception of Jesus – being merely a fairly significant symbol of a new beginning made by God in Christ – does not belong to the essence of the Gospel. Many theologians, Catholic ones among them, question today both the dogmatic status of this doctrine and its contents. They opt for just symbolic or spiritual dimension of virginity. In order to avoid such misunderstandings, the paper presents a theological interpretation of the doctrine of semper virgo in a wide redemptive and ecclesia! context. Such an interpretation shows virginity as a sign of a dual dimension: the betrothed covenant between acting God and man and the birth of a new human being whose life stems from the Holy Spirit.
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    Recepcja biblijnego obrazu sądu ostatecznego w sztuce sakralnej
    Jelonek, Tomasz; Rotter, Lucyna (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    It is with great excitement that we read the words in the Gospel according to St. Matthew, in which Jesus announces His second coming, which will be accompanied by a final separation of the chosen and the condemned. This vision of the Last Judgement has been an inspiration for numerous works of art, often made by great artists and with powerful expression. The authors in a joint effort of a Biblicist and an art historian devote the paper to these works, regarded, especially from the point of view of reception of the Biblical description of the Last Judgement and expression of its contents in the language of art. Given prominence in works of art, the Last Judgement in a Biblical thought is just one component of the Day of the Lord, which is referred to in the paper with the help of two terms of Greek origin. The coming of Christ is referred to as parusia and epiphainein. Both terms are rich in meaning and for that reason their particular aspects are discussed. Having discussed the perspectives, in which the Biblical revelation instructs on the Last Judgement, the authors go on to detect this reality in artistic creation. The first iconographical depictions of the Last Judgement were rather terse. The artists focused on illustrating the truth about the separation of the chosen and the condemned, using for this purpose an image of the Good Shepherd amidst sheep (the chosen) and goats (the condemned). The parable of the Ten Girls became yet another prototype of the Last Judgement in iconography. We can speak about a full-scale presentation of the Last Judgement in art only in the 9th century. A schema which was then created lasted until the 19th and even 20th century, almost unchanged. The iconographical form of that composition was shaped by the Bible, Apocrypha as well as Church tradition. The basic source of inspiration for artists, however, was naturally the text from the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Monumental compositions of the Last Judgement we meet for the first time in the Byzantine art In the Middle Ages the subject of Parusia can be commonly seen both in miniatures and in great, monumental compositions of painting and architectural sculpture. The Renaissance brought further changes while the Baroque departs from symbolic representations of the Last Judgement of the Middle Ages. A cursory review of the works of sacred painting shows the main trends in artistic reception of the Biblical picture of the Last Judgement.
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    Ks. prof, dr Eugeniusz Florkowski – uczony i pedagog
    Kubiś, Adam (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    Prof. E. Florkowski ist in 1902 geboren, starb 1989. Die Grundstudien hat er an der Theologischen Fakultät der Jagiellonen Universität 1921-1925 absolviert. In den Jahren 1925-1927 studierte er in Pontificium Collegium Internationale Angelicum in Rom, wo er von Prof. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange OP promoviert wurde. Seine lange wissenschaftliche Tätigkeit vollzog Prof. Florkowski in Krakau unter besonders schwierigen Umständen des Zweiten Weltkrieges und nachher unter dem kommunistischen Totalitarismus. Diese Zeit der erwähnten Umständen gehört zu den tragischeren Ereignissen in der 600-jährigen Geschichte der Krakauer Theologischen Fakultät, die im Jahre 1397 von Bonifatius IX gegründet wurde. Ein wesentliches Kennzeichen von Prof. Florkowski macht seine Treue seiner Alma Mater. Er steht an der Spitze deren Professoren, die zu ihrem Überdauern und neuer Entwicklung im großen Masse beigetragen haben. Selbstverständlich muss man auch seine didaktisch-wissenschaftliche Leistungen nicht im Schweigen lassen. Als ein katholischer Priester gehört er zu den vorbildlichen Persönlichkeiten der Krakauer Erzdiözese.
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    Teologiczna ocena męczeństwa bł. ks. Piotra Dańkowskiego (1908-1942)
    Kulka, Jarosław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    Before taking diaconate vows Piotr Dańkowski made a decision: “I will give /God/ everything I'll be able to” These words express an authentic desire to sacrifice himself entirely for Christ. The word “everything” shows that he did not hesitate to devote even his own life. The circumstances of the martyr's death of Piotr Dańkowski justify its recognition in the categories of sacrifice. Here, the fact that he died on Good Friday – the day which in a special way recalls and recreates the Cross Sacrifice of Jesus Christ – it is not insignificant. On Palm Sunday, at the beginning of the Holy Week of Christ's Passion, Piotr Dańkowski held the Way of the Cross, which preceded his martyr's death. These circumstances likened his death to the death of the Saviour, which makes it even more sacrificial.
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    Wychowawca wobec agresji
    Mastalski, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    It can be said that aggression is a global problem. There is no chance to eradicate all reasons for aggressive behaviour because they are rooted in the society itself. It is possible, however, to assist young generations in a fight for life free from violence and aggression. Tutors are not fighting a losing battle in this matter. To rid relationships in the society of aggression and conflicts as fully as we can, it is necessary to teach children and youth that they should not only take, but give, as “only those who can combine their own good with the good of other people, are able to truly rejoice over their life” This is the main task for teachers and tutors.
  • Miniatura
    Teologia pielgrzymowania
    Ostrowski, Maciej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    Going on pilgrimages has been a very popular form of piety. It has its deep theology, too. The author of the paper refers to two documents published by the Pontifical Council for the Care of Migrants and Itinerants on the occasion of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 and a number of statements made by the pope about the problem of going on pilgrimages. The author points to the most essential aspects of the theology of pilgriming. At the same time he shows their pastoral implications. He relies to a large degree on an analysis of Biblical images which constitute spiritual models for a pilgrimage (such as Abraham's quest, the exodus of the Israelites, a pilgrimage to the temple in Jerusalem among others). He groups his arguments into entries which constitute major stages of pilgriming – setting off, journeying and arriving at a destination. These are also stages of developing pastoral programme associated with every pilgrimage. The paper presents directions for further serious theological consideration and may offer valuable help to those who organise the pilgrimage movement.
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    Przebóstwienie człowieka, Chalcedon i chrystologia dwustopniowa
    Sikora, Piotr (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    The paper presents a link between the notion of deification of human nature and the mystery of resurrection, which allows us to show how deeply the first idea is rooted in the Bible. It is spoken of each time our participation in the Resurrection of Christ is mentioned. This approach reconciles the incarnation soteriology – traditionally associated with the idea of θεοσις – and paschal soteriology. Thus, new interpretative perspectives of both models of Christ's redemptive act are opened. This, however, is a subject for a separate article.
  • Miniatura
    Pawłowa mowa obronna. Analiza retoryczna Dz 24,10b-21
    Pindel, Roman (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    The paper includes a rhetorical analysis of pericope (Ads 24) in a form of rhetorical criticism. The point of reference for a formal and content analysis is the preceding accusation made by Tertullos. Paul's defence speech aptly takes up the accusations levelled at him and dismisses them in a way proper for a judicial defence. The case status (an offence against the unity of religion and an attempt to defile the Temple) was checked by Paul through conjecture, definition, qualifying and competence analysis. Besides EXORDIUM, which includes captatio benevokntiae (24, 10b), Paul's defence includes NARRATIO (24, 11-12), PROPOSITIO (24,12), PROBATIO, which consists of a double REPUTATO (24, 14-16 and 17-19) and PERORATO (24, 20-21). The whole argumentation is coherent and put into effect in accordance with partes and adequate in relation to the auditorium (Roman governor). These are verbal figures in the first place and a few tropes that can be detected in the defence. Apart from its formal and rhetorical correctness, Paul's defence does not bring an appropriate result, which would be his release. An official cause for the case adjournment was the absence of a tribune (who, nonetheless, is not going to bring anything into the case). That is why in the following verses the author of the narration reveals the reason for the governor's partial conduct towards Paul: a hope for a bribe and a wish to make himself liked by the Jews.
  • Miniatura
    Rekurs hierarchiczny – instytucją w obronie praw podmiotowych w relacji do decyzji autorytetu Kościoła
    Rozkrut, Tomasz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    La tutela dei diritti rimane sempre molto importante. La valorizzazione della persona umana, la crescente attenzione per la dignità, le aspirazioni, il modo di essere di ogni singolo fedele hanno prodotto un radicale cambiamento di prospettiva nel modo di intendere il diritto nella Chiesa. La materia della giustizia amministrativa ha costituito oggetto di particolare interesse anche nell'ambito dei lavori di riforma del codice di diritto canonico. La legge costituisce una garanzia di rispetto dei diritti di ciascuno; quanto più l'autorità sarà tenuta ad agire entro binari precisamente prefissati, tanto più difficilmente la sua azione potrà tradursi in una lesione di diritti altrui.
  • Miniatura
    Lekcje historii a katecheza biblijna w gimnazjum
    Stypułkowska, Beata (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    The present publication deals with the problem of interdisciplinar correlation between the biblical catecheses and the history lessons at school. Catechetical documents point to the necessity of corelating biblical catecheses with other subject taught at school. This results from an assumption that religion teaching should not be placed “outside” other school subjects as something additional, but it should constitute a part of the necessary interdisciplinar dialogue. Although many various correlations are possible, the most desired one is the correlation between biblical catecheses and the history lessons. Both subjects have many common references. According to the bases of general education, programs concerning history teaching assign relatively much time for the ancient history. Books contain many materials useful for presenting the Ancient East civilizations, including biblical countries as Palestine, Mesopotamia, Babylonia, Persia, Assyria, Egypt, as well as ancient Greece and Rome. Books contain also illustrations and historical maps, lacking in the corresponding books for religion teaching. The paper focuses on the three functions of correlation: the integrating, the completing, and the polemic ones. The significance of correlation in the biblical education of pupils has been discussed. Examples of applying the integrating, the completing, and the polemic correlation have been presented. School history books can be used and should be used in the course of biblical catechesis. A catechist should be familiar with their contents and, as the need arise, should apply the integrating, the completing, and sometimes also the polemic correlation. It is however difficult to point out to a particular school history book which would fully satisfy the demands o f the biblical catechesis. This paper is focused on the two school history books intended for secondary schools and describes problems of ancient civilizations presented by these books.
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  • Miniatura
    Rozwój moralnej oceny wojny
    Zwoliński, Andrzej (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    Moral assessment of war has educational quality. It assists the people of good will in their effort to build a peaceful world. It includes efforts and acts, whose aim is to defiend man's spiritual and material well-being on the basis of social justice and mutual respect of all people. The Catechism of the Catholic Church expresses these relationships in simple words: Respect for and development of human Ufo requires peace. Peace is not merely the absence of war, and it is not limited to maintaining a balance of powers between adversaries. Peace cannot be attained on earth without safeguarding the goods of persons, free communication among men, respect for the dignity o f persons and peoples, and the assiduous practice of fraternity. Peace is "the tranquillity of order.” Peace is the work of justice and the effect of charity.
  • Miniatura
    Miejsce i zadania rodziny w życiu społecznym
    Borutka, Tadeusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    Currently the family is under the influence of broad, deep and rapid social and cultural changes. These transformations create new role models and new hazards for family life. Many families survive these pressures remaining faithful to the values that form the foundations of the family institution. One must seek the prototype of the family in God himself. The family has its beginning in God's mystery. With the creation of a family appears a new unity, in which communion of the married couple finds its fulfilment Christ has raised the unity of the couple to the rank of a sacrament. This unity does not isolate married couples, it is not for them alone. It is open to new life and new human beings. Married couples are therefore in the service of life. Their parenthood is linked closely with the function of bringing up children. The family is a community of people, the smallest social cell, and as such is an institution fundamental to the life of every society. Within it are bom citizens and in it they find their first school of social virtues, which determine the life and development of society. The family by its nature opens onto other families and societies, undertaking their social tasks. A Christian family's basic tasks include the work of the church. It is called to build the Kingdom of God throughout time by participating in the life and mission of the Church. The Church and the Christian family are linked by mutual ties that make the family a „Church in miniature” In a way it becomes a reflection and a historical revelation of the Church's mystery.
  • Miniatura
    Prawda o zmartwychwstaniu w przepowiadaniu kaznodziejsko-homiletycznym
    Celary, Ireneusz (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    The Resurrection of Jesus Christ constitutes a central event in the history of redemption and the basic truth of religious faith. Without the resurrection of Jesus, we would not be able to comprehend the origins and existence of Christianity since Christian religion is not only the acceptance of evangelical teaching and belief in the redemptive event of the sacrificial death of Christ, not only the experiencing of His suffering and death, but first of all the belief in the life brought by resurrected Christ The resurrection of Jesus was for the original Christianity an event of fundamental significance. It was vital for its existence and development. St. Paul leaves no doubt about it when he says: “And if Christ has not been raised from death, then we have nothing to preach and you have nothing to believe” (1 Cor 15,14). That is why the Easter testimony constituted the centre of apostolic and early Christian preaching. It has remained the centre of Christian cult, faith and preaching until now. In preaching of the Church, resurrected Christ Himself addresses people. By preaching, the Good News about the paschal mystery of Christ reaches all times and places. Gospel, preached by Christ, is joyful news about the redemption already perfected in Christ. Those who are listening to preaching hear Christ Himself.
  • Miniatura
    Współpraca kapłanów ze świeckimi w duszpasterstwie i apostolstwie parafialnym
    Dyduch, Jan (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    Nuovo documento della Sede Apostolica: „Sacerdote, pastore e guida della comunità parrocchiale” fa riferimenti all'insegnamento del Concilio Vaticano II sulla collaborazione del sacerdote con i fedeli laici nella comunità parrocchiale. Questa collaborazione si basa sull'insegnamento del Popolo di Dio come comunità (communio) e del sacerdozio comune e gerarchico, come pure della partecipazione dei laici ai tre munera di Cristo. La conciliare visione dei laici si e espressa come ammissione dei laici ai diversi servizi e funzioni descritti dalla legge. Nel periodo postconciliare nelle parrocchie sono state create le istituzioni, che facilitano la collaborazione dei sacerdoti con i laici.
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    Kościół a Eucharystia w pierwszych wiekach chrześcijaństwa
    Fedorowicz, Szymon (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    The Eucharist builds the Church, the Church offers the Eucharist – this concise and frequently repeated statement may summarise the whole instruction the Fathers left in their writings on the connection between the Church and the Eucharist A defined vision of the Church which emerges from the writings is not complete, but clear and authentic. The Fathers' statements touch the most essential matters, thus aptly pointing to what the Church and her nature are. Applying such pictures as the betrothed, paradise, house of God, Body of Christ to the Church is common in the whole tradition, whereas describing her reality with the help of such notions as pre-existence, wedding feast, sacredness, freedom, mutual love, unity indicates revealing the truth about Her at the very core. All this complements each other, but – what needs to be stressed here – serves as an illustration, or partial explanation and more still as initiation in the mystery of the Eucharist itself, because of which and for which the Church does exist. Mutual complementation between the reality of the Eucharist and the Church, which the Fathers traced in Biblical texts, will be taken up by later theology. It will deepen and systematise an intuitive approach of ancient Christians. The process will last for centuries, many a time amidst disputes and struggling with mistakes, but will always be a fruit of a study, deeply religious in nature, of the mystery of Christ and the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Na skrzyżowaniu dwóch totalitaryzmów (obraz wojny w literaturze rosyjskiej)
    Duda, Katarzyna (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2002)
    The review of the Russian literature about war presented in the paper, is not, for obvious reasons, the full picture of the subject, which does not go out of date. Presented works seem to be the most representative for the issues outlined. Omitting propaganda works, which serve ideology, it must be said that war is perceived invariably as aggression, inflicting suffering on a human by another human, who, filled with pride, claims a right to correct the world according to his own, egoistic idea. It turns out, however, that “correcting” cannot mean “destroying” and murdering. Life, as the greatest of gifts, is disgraced during war by usurpers of God's rights. Therefore, war, no matter what war it might be, shall never be inscribed in an optimistic triad of Faith, Hope and Love. At the same time, war – each and every war – leaves a never overcome trauma, deeply rooted in human consciousness.
  • Miniatura
    Totalitaryzm – stan wojny permanentnej
    Koller, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie, 2003)
    Throughout history there have appeared various political systems. They all had their advantages and disadvantages depending on numerous factors which determined them. At the beginning of the 20th century in Europe two totalitarian systems came into being: fascism and communism. They were both put into effect and entailed the death of millions of victims. In theory, totalitarianism assumed curtailing of man's freedom in order to achieve “noble” ideas. In reality, it turned out that each totalitarianism is a state of permanent war and ends in genocide. John Paul II joins the voice of the most important thinkers warning us of new forms of totalitarianism, hidden in the conceptions on man's freedom. Totalitarianism can be realised in every political system since it is a mystery lurking in man.