Postać Maryi w filmie
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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
The Article presents rich material, starting from the beginning of existence of cinematography up to present time, giving a wide picture of Mary in cinema. In the first part there have been showed films which present Mary as foreground person, then are named the most important biblical films, especially those of the Passion, in which Mary acts in the stage of Anuntiation. Nativity of her Son and in the crucial moments of the mission of Jesus Christ, as well as on Via Crucis. Then, separately have been presented films, in which the figure of Mary fulfills a function in the background and is called indirectly in prayers, sighs or dreams. Besides, there have been presented some movie pictures inspired by fine arts, and then those connected with marial cult. The article includes also an analyse and some comments regarding more important stages with the participation of Mary.
Słowa kluczowe
Maryja, Józef z Nazaretu, film biblijny, film, filmy religijne, przekaz ewangeliczny, scena biblijna, Pasja, Zwiastowanie, obraz, obraz symboliczny, Mary, Joseph of Nazareth, biblical film, Gospel message, biblical scene, Passion of Christ, Męka Pańska, Annunciation, image, symbol image, postaci biblijne, biblical characters, movie, religious movies
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2008, T. 55, z. 5, s. 239-248.
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