Praktyki religijne i konsekracyjny wymiar apostolstwa sióstr zakonnych




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


Monastic life, in a special way, show today's world a total imitation of Christ. This complete devotion to God flourishes in loving Christ and the Church, in participating deeply in this life, and in being sincerely attached to His teaching. It brings forth fruit of generous mission among those who need understanding and a large-hearted help. Eucharist is the centre of the religious life of nuns in which they participate daily. Thus spiritually enriched they eagery undertake difficult task severy day. Through their daily liturgical prayers and contemplation they deepen their relationship with God, with their monastic fellowship and with the fellowship of God's People. Religious consecration supports missionary activity. Vatican Council II daclares that through religious vows gives himself to God loved more than anything else (K Kn 44). In view of the paschal dimension of consecration, religious life has in itself a particular social value. It is a sign and testimony of good against evil. A vow of purity is a significant guide in the private life of nuns and in their work with their neighbours. Thanks to this vow the nuns trust God entirely and, being detached from material goods, can better serve the poor and the needy. A vow of obedience is a very important condition of living in a religious fellowiship, it supports faith fulness to the Church and intensifies missionary activity. As it follows from a questionnaire, there are differences in what nuns from different countries say. Social-political factors, climat and economic conditions could be decisive here. Nuns participate in Eucharist which is a source of very useful gifts from heaven in their everyday troubles of missionary work. Nuns do not conceal their problems, i.e. a proper participation in the Holy Mass, which are caused by fatigue, sleepiness, depression and also various trifle conflicts with their neighbours. Nuns greatly appreciate prayer and deepening of their spiritu al life. These persons, whose daily routine do not allow to fulfil the duty of common prayer, can pray individually. The situation is more complicated in case of continual deepening of spiritual life. Some feel tired or they do not feel a continual need to be converted. A vow of purity is very helpful in imitating Christ and in missionary work. A vow of poverty gives freedom to the spirit, helps to detach from material goods and inclines to greater trust in God. In like manner, it is easier to help one's neighbours. A vow of obedience is very significant in religious life. It helps to keep religious discipline, it helps in creative missionary work. And it also gives a moral certitude that if nuns undertake work in line with obedience, such a work will deserve eternity.


Słowa kluczowe

praktyki religijne, religious practices, zakony, convents, zakonnice, nuns, osoby konsekrowane, consecrated persons, życie konsekrowane, consecrated life, życie zakonne, monastic life, Eucharystia, Eucharist, apostolstwo, apostolate, modlitwa, prayer, życie duchowe, spiritual life, czystość, purity, śluby czystości, vows of purity, ubóstwo, poverty, śluby ubóstwa, vows of poverty, służba, service, posłuszeństwo, obedience, dojrzałość zakonna, monastic maturity


Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1988, T. 35, z. 6, s. 112-132.


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