Roczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1988, T. 35, z. 6

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    Ewangelizacja w Europie. Sprawozdanie z Konferencji Profesorów Teologii Pastoralnej w Wiedniu – 22-25 IX 1987
    Rak, Romuald (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)
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    Katecheza szkolna i parafialna w kontekście duszpasterstwa Kościoła
    Wrońska, Halina (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)
    Vatican II drew attantion to the pastoral nature of the whole Church. Catechesis is one of the ways of Christ's saving mission in the Church. It has gone through various phases in its history, mostly seeking a place for itself in the family, school or parish. Each of these environments is distinct and has its own distinct task. This conditions the model of catechesis preferred. Nowadays a need is recognized to make catechesis more open, to establich connections with various informal groups and youth movements and also to set up formal groups. In any environment, catechesis derives both its justification and its effectiveness from the Church.
  • Miniatura
    Chrzest w opinii katolików polskich
    Mariański, Janusz (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)
    The author presents here the results of a sociological research carried out in the period of 1982-1985 in traditional countrysides, in a small town without industry, in a medium-sized town under a strong influence of industralization, in a big town, and in community of youth who are taught religion. With the exception of the latter, all respondents are parents who baptized their children in the year previous to the year of the empirical research. The object of the sociological research was, among others, the Catholics' knowledge of the sacrament of baptism and various attitudes to this religious ritual. A decisive majority of Catholics see the need or even necessity to baptize children, appreciate the value of the sacrament of baptism, even though they do not fully understand its theological sense and meaning. Their attitude is, generally, similar to the Church teaching. Though in particulars, there are some minor differences with the attitude of the Church. People do not understand or realize the intention of their priests or even consciously formulate postulates contradictory to the teaching of the Church. Some Catholics did not know how to define their attitude to the problems with baptism or they adopted unorthodox attitudes. Their number, accordingly to a particular question, ranged from a few to 30 per cent. Women proved to be, generally, more "ecclesiastical" than men, less educated Catholics were more "ecclesiastical" than those with a university diploma, people from country milieus more "ecclesiastical" than those from big towns. Unorthodox attitudes were often an expression of ignorance than contestation. In traditional country milieus the ritual of baptism is still additionally linked with magic images, but convictions of the same kind have turned in retreat.
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    Zasada pomocniczości a demokratyzacja życia kościelnego
    Piwowarski, Władysław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)
    Democracy is in fashion in the life of societies and states and what is more, it is widely supported by the social documents of the Church. It is less spoken about, however, in relation to the Church life. The cause of this can be found in the lack of consequence in applying the principle of subsidiarity to various domains of the Church life. First, the author points out that the principle of subsidiarity is, generally speaking, an important ethical-social principle. It is, then, applied not only to lay structures, but also to religious. Then he goes on to discuss the Church as God's People and to distinguish in it – Ecclesia ut mysterium and Ecclesia ut societas. The principle of subsidiarity should be fully applied to the latter kind. Eventually, he discusses three particular problems, ie human person and in direct structures within the Church, the Church and public opinion, the Church and the world. In all these cases he attempts to make the principle of subsidiarity more concrete in the Church life. He wants to indicate the direction of the postconciliar reform. The Church declares subsidiarity, that is to say, ancillariness, but both expressions mean something different. In view of the principle of subsidiarity, serving others is based first of all on inciting initiative and responsibility "at the bottom" and on completing and coordinating activity "from above".
  • Miniatura
    Funkcja kierownicza jako problem teologii pastoralnej
    Kamiński, Ryszard (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)
    The attitude to the guiding function of the Church has evoluted over the past ages of the development of pastoral theology. This process has been influenced by the one-sided understanding of that function at the very origin of pastoral theology as a university subject. Vatican Council II was a crucial event in the pastoral thinking about the guiding function and in the development of pastoral theology. The conciliar documents opened up new prospects and tasks for the pastoral thinking, pointed to a new style and method of carrying out research. In the post-conciliar situation the guiding function took on agreater significance. The changes that take place in many spheres of life demand continual changes and improvements in the activity of Church institutions, including parishes and dioceses. There is still a need to modify and make some improvements within the sphere of guiding Church in stitutions, so that they could work most efficiently. We need also a critical and constructive approach to the question of guiding the Church at the Church-wide, diocesan and parochial levels. Guiding in contemporary conditions has become a more and more complex process. A general direction of evolution of the Church should go from an authoritative leadership to democratic, from being authorized to command and govern to authorized leadership, from linear organization to linear-staff organization. It is in accord with main assumptions of the Church teaching on the ancillary priesthood.
  • Miniatura
    Kształtowanie postaw religijnych na katechezie
    Kulpaczyński, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)
    The paper deals with problem of religious attitudes, their structure and dynamism of development which is to facilitate catechists their forming. The definition of the term "attitude" was first presented in accord with behaviourists, and then in five different approaches, and eventually in line with W. Prężyna, as a constant relationship of an individual with the supernatural. The paper presents G. W. Allport's criteria of religious maturity (self-criticism, autonomy, consequence, versatility, and its integrative and heurestic character). It has been pointed out that the creating of the components of attitude may occur in the following four ways. The paper discusses such components as: emotional, behavioural, intellectual and volitive. They are discussed in view of catechetical work and taking into consideration some results of empirical research. It has been proved that attitudes persist through the process of memorizing, thinking and acting. The whole process is conditioned by biological, demographic, civilizational, social and educational factors. Then, while discussing the ways changing attitudes, it has been pointed out that there are four regularities in psychologists' observations. The paper ends with some catechetic conclusions, firts of a general character, and then of a formative and ascetic character.
  • Miniatura
    Ku teologii znaków czasu
    Bielecki, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)
    Vatican Council II set itself a goal which is a deeper knowledge of the nature and mission of the Church. A regenerated consciousness of the Church directly contributed to the deepening of the concept of the world in which it fulfils its mission. From the nature of the Church it follows that it is to be present in the world and lead it to salvation. The contemporary world, which undergoes many changes, expects a dialogue in the full sense of the word with the Church. In such a dialogue the world "speaks in public" through the signs of the times. Their recognition is integrally linked with the fulfilling of the Church mission.
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    Praktyki religijne i konsekracyjny wymiar apostolstwa sióstr zakonnych
    Cyman, Jadwiga (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)
    Monastic life, in a special way, show today's world a total imitation of Christ. This complete devotion to God flourishes in loving Christ and the Church, in participating deeply in this life, and in being sincerely attached to His teaching. It brings forth fruit of generous mission among those who need understanding and a large-hearted help. Eucharist is the centre of the religious life of nuns in which they participate daily. Thus spiritually enriched they eagery undertake difficult task severy day. Through their daily liturgical prayers and contemplation they deepen their relationship with God, with their monastic fellowship and with the fellowship of God's People. Religious consecration supports missionary activity. Vatican Council II daclares that through religious vows gives himself to God loved more than anything else (K Kn 44). In view of the paschal dimension of consecration, religious life has in itself a particular social value. It is a sign and testimony of good against evil. A vow of purity is a significant guide in the private life of nuns and in their work with their neighbours. Thanks to this vow the nuns trust God entirely and, being detached from material goods, can better serve the poor and the needy. A vow of obedience is a very important condition of living in a religious fellowiship, it supports faith fulness to the Church and intensifies missionary activity. As it follows from a questionnaire, there are differences in what nuns from different countries say. Social-political factors, climat and economic conditions could be decisive here. Nuns participate in Eucharist which is a source of very useful gifts from heaven in their everyday troubles of missionary work. Nuns do not conceal their problems, i.e. a proper participation in the Holy Mass, which are caused by fatigue, sleepiness, depression and also various trifle conflicts with their neighbours. Nuns greatly appreciate prayer and deepening of their spiritu al life. These persons, whose daily routine do not allow to fulfil the duty of common prayer, can pray individually. The situation is more complicated in case of continual deepening of spiritual life. Some feel tired or they do not feel a continual need to be converted. A vow of purity is very helpful in imitating Christ and in missionary work. A vow of poverty gives freedom to the spirit, helps to detach from material goods and inclines to greater trust in God. In like manner, it is easier to help one's neighbours. A vow of obedience is very significant in religious life. It helps to keep religious discipline, it helps in creative missionary work. And it also gives a moral certitude that if nuns undertake work in line with obedience, such a work will deserve eternity.
  • Miniatura
    Kronika Instytutu Teologii Pastoralnej KUL za okres 1981/82-1987/88
    Lech, Stanisław (Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego, 1988)