„Christus Mariae” ‒ projekt mariologiczny dla Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


In the last ten to twenty years, Central and Eastern Europe has become a source (locus theologicus) of theological research. As a matter of fact it also involves the “reorientation” of theology in that European region. The changes are due to the search for its theological identity, more conscious of its own, widely understood context. It does not necessarily mean distancing from the western theology, but rather undertaking its more critical reception. The main attention, however, should be paid to the experience (not only Christian) characteristic of Central and Eastern – or, as it is called, “the younger” Europe. In this case, theology has already made good use of the existing results of historical, cultural, politological, and even economic studies. The studies on XXth century prophets, like those prepared for the III Forum of Central and Eastern Europe Theologians in Lublin, are visible fruits of this theology. The above theological and methodological change inspires the new way of pursuing mariology, which would also be sensitive to the broad context. The suggested title of the project – Christus Mariae – stresses the importance of the hierarchy of theological truths, and especially of the theological image of God in mariology and Marian piety.


Słowa kluczowe

projekty mariologiczne, projekt Christus Mariae, teologia Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, teologiczny obraz Boga, chrystologia, mariologia, obraz, obraz Boga, Maryja, Jezus Chrystus, teologia, Bóg, Europa, Europa Środkowo-Wschodnia, Mariological projects, Christus Mariae project, theology of Central and Eastern Europe, theological image of God, Christology, Mariology, image, image of God, Mary, Jesus Christ, theology, God, Europe, Central and Eastern Europe


Roczniki Teologiczne, 2005, T. 52, z. 2, s. 247-259.


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