Trynitarna jedyność i uniwersalność Jezusa Chrystusa. Wokół dyskusji na temat chrystologicznych postulatów pluralistycznej teologii religii
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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
Jesus in the Gospel asks who it is he for the people (cf. Mt 16, 13-20). The same question we heave to make today. Our faith in Jesus as the unique e Universal Salvatore of World (cf. G 14, 6) is been discussed none only through the monotheistic Religions (Islam, Jewish) bout the Christianities too. This article will describe Pluralistic Theology of Religions, in particular his Pluralistic Christology the lives a particularly time of success (J. Hick, P. Knitter, J. Dupuis, P. Schmid-Leukel). In theirs opinion the Person and Mission Christ’s aren’t unique bout only one between the anthers. Jesus is a Representing Got and a Salvatore bout his Present and Action are relative in theirs meaning. Christ is relative and opens a Way for any anthers Salvatore’s. Jesus can’t to be Unique Salvatore and can’t to include/exclude, he is relative in the Pluralistic World of Religions (Hick). Only Relative Position and Pluralistic Vision of Christianity are able to conserve the Religion Peace today and tomorrow. Besides Got must incarnate not ones both many times because he wants express his Power and can’t to be limited through a Unique Incarnation (Knitter). This Pluralistic Opinion apparently interesting remains only a Fruit of Theology Fantasy. The fact of Uniqueness and Universality Christ’s is based on the biblical revealed thru and is confirmed through the Words and Actions of Christ. Who wants to exclude Jesus and his Salvation Love must exclude the Father’s person, the Holy Spirit’s, the Mary’s person and the Sacramental Present of Church’s Institute (cf. Dominus lesus, 5ff.). The Pluralistic Proposition the seeks Religion Peace provokes only Religion Chaos. A Religion Dialogue must be based on the Thru/logos and Love/pneuma and Religion Peace as Give and Cell has to bee construed only on Trinitarian Thru and Love never on Human Illusion. The Trinitarian Uniqueness and Universality of person (esse) and mission (agere) Jesus Christ can respond and show the Way of Dialogue and Authentic Christian’s Live and Identity in the Pluralistic World of Religions. The Way is very difficult but true and unique because proposes the Trinitarian Full of Thru about the Created World and the Man in this Pluralistic World (cf. Redemptoris missio).
Streścił / Summarized by Stanisław Mycek.
Słowa kluczowe
Trójca Święta, trynitarność chrystologii, pluralistyczna teologia, teologia religii, uniwersalność Kościoła, Kościół, uniwersalność, chrystologia, religia, Jezus Chrystus, pluralistyczna teologia religii, jedyność, jedyność trynitarna Chrystusa, teologia, Holy Trinity, Trinitarian Christology, pluralistic theology, theology of religion, universality of Church, Church, universality, Christology, religion, Jesus Christ, pluralistic theology of religion, theology, Trinitarian dimension of Christology, chrystologia trynitarna, uniqueness, Trinitarian uniqueness of Christ
Roczniki Teologiczne, 2004, T. 51, z. 2, s. 227-242.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland