Ubóstwo w Polsce w ostatniej dekadzie XX w.
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Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska
Changes in Polish system at the beginning of 90's brought about decline in real incomes and increase of unemployment. Simultaneously the state reduced its presence on a social field. There was a decentralization in scope of social policy. In practice it turned on that self-governments were not able to fulfill the induced duties. Thus it led in many cases to limiting services in social sphere. Within next years of economic development in Poland we may again observe the increase of people living in households (since 1997) whose level of expenses lower than accepted poverty line. It happened together with an average improvement of financial situation of society in general, together with the increase of real level of incomes and expenses. We observe now an increase in stratification of society and a process of spacious marginalization. It is manifested by moving of individuals or whole families from better to worse district because of inability to pay rent. Another phenomenon is also connected with this process so-called “ghettos” which are poor districts in small towns where due to closing up some factories or work places too poor citizens are not able to leave their homes (high ticket prices, inability to look for a job outside the place of living, too far to get to work). This phenomenon cause an increase of different social pathologies, reduction of contacts with the rest of society, separation from social life. Poverty in Poland is mainly related to the lack of education, Iow qualifications, not having a job or low income. Poverty touches most severely the unemployed and their families, families with many children, single mothers with children, the old, immigrants and people belonging to so-called social pathology groups.
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Słowa kluczowe
Polska, historia, XX w., ubóstwo, przemiany społeczne, przemiany polityczne, sytuacja ekonomiczna, bezrobocie, demografia, rodzina, społeczeństwo, badania, badania ankietowe, pomoc społeczna, patologie społeczne, Poland, history, poverty, social changes, political changes, economic situation, unemployment, demography, family, society, research, survey research, social service, social pathologies
Studia Gdańskie, 2001, T. 14, s. 19-38.
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