Czy istnieje prawo naturalne?
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Wydawnictwo Diecezjalne Adalbertinum
In the post modern chaos where the most important values are democracy and tolerance, a man needs to return to universal, invariable and unchangeable values more than ever before. There is a need for a common ground where followers of different religions and philosophical streams could meet together. Natural law is the common foundation on which a national and an international community as well as an individual life can be built. However, taking into consideration numerous people who still bring into question the existence of the law, there was a need for observing the main reasons for its rejection and the consequences of it. Treatment of the natural law as a religious notion alone is a serious misunderstanding, therefore, arguments for its existence were analyzed not only in the context of theological, but also philosophical and psychological perspective. Philosophy, especially metaphysics, refers to an ontological cognition in the first place. It examines the nature of man and deduces principles of the natural law from it. Theology points to God as a source of the eternal law, which is reflected in man as the natural law. In psychological argumentation, a point of departure and discovery of the natural law is common-sense, pre-philosophical practical cognition which allows to discover the existence of certain basic, generally accepted truths throughout many years and different cultures. Taking everything into account, it does not seem reasonable to question the existence of the natural law, particularly nowadays, when mankind longs for unity and stable bases of its existence as never before.
Słowa kluczowe
filozofia, philosophy, prawo naturalne, natural right, natura ludzka, odrzucenie prawa naturalnego, natura, human nature, rejection of natural right, nature, Magisterium Kościoła, moralność, dobro, morality, good, natural law
Studia Ełckie, 2007, T. 9, s. 36-51.
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