Łukasz przeredagował Mateuszowi Kazanie na Górze




Tytuł czasopisma

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Tytuł tomu


Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska


Luke wants in the Sermon on the Plain to give the lecture of the Jesus' teaching about the love of the countrymen and especially about the love of enemies as the essence of the Christian morality as well as to warn the Christian of the Greek communities against the false piety. Taking into consideration the parables of the blinds and the students we can presuppose that Luke sees the false piety among others in activity of some false teachers. “The blinds” in L k 6,39 are easily linked with the Pharisees and scribes condemned by Jesus in Matt 23. It seems therefore that Luke tries to warn his audiences against the judaizantes, as well as that he knew the Gospel of Matthew. The thesis of Butler based on the analysis of the vocabulary of both the sermons that Luke used the Sermon on the Mount seems to be affirmed the analysis of the composition of these sermons too. Many pericopes of the Sermon on the Mount did not fit to Luke with regard for their strong linkage with the Jew sitz in leben. He gave from the Sermon on the Mount only four Beatitudes and those pericopes which said of the love and warned against the false piety. The Sermon on the Mount was redacted in narrow relation to the first collection of the prescriptions in the Exod 19-23. According to Matthew it would have to be the collection of the new Law parallel to above mentioned one in the Book of Exodus. Luke is not interested in comparison of the new Law with Old one, nevertheless he applies in some way this redaction method consisted in the comparison: he shows first the true piety and after the false one. The composition of the Sermon on the Plain is not understandable without the Sermon on the Mount. It is one evidence more that Luke knew this sermon and based on it his Sermon on the Plain.


Słowa kluczowe

Biblia, Pismo Święte, Nowy Testament, Ewangelia, Kazanie na Górze, redakcja źródeł, kazania, Ewangelia według św. Mateusza, Ewangelia według św. Łukasza, Mt, Łk, perykopa, Kazanie na Równinie, kompozycja tekstów biblijnych, Bible, New Testament, Gospel, Sermon on the Mount, editing of sources, sermons, Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Luke, pericope, Sermon on the Plain, composition of biblical texts


Studia Gdańskie, 2002-2003, T. 15-16, s. 27-39.


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