Studia Gdańskie, 2002-2003, T. 15-16

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  • Miniatura
    W. Dyk, W. Cichosz, Śladami wielkich filozofów, Drukarnia Naukowo-Techniczna SA, Warszawa 2002, ss. 456.
    Więckowski, Robert (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    Warsztaty przyszłości, z. 1-7, red. D. Obidniak, Oficyna Wydawnicza „MH”, Warszawa 2002
    Zalewska, Sabina (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    P. Stefani, Dies irae. Immagini delia fine, il Mulino, Bologna 2001, ss. 220.
    Dańczak, Andrzej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    Najnowsze kierunki w dyskusji wokół modelu życia seksualnego osób z głębszą niepełnosprawnością intelektualną
    Dettlaff , Rafał (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
    The mentally handicapped are people whose mental development due to various impediments, has been hindered. Some of them, despite the difficulties they encounter in their development, are able, thanks to the properly conducted rehabilitative work and enormous effort, to adequately fulfill the functions which the society assigns to an average citizen. They graduate from schools, acquire professional skills, start families and to a certain extent efficiently function in the everyday life circumstances. But the group of mentally handicapped also comprises those whose mental development has been seriously retarded. The are not independent, they require specific rehabilitation methods, as well as help and care. Although their mental development is retarded, their physical side very often develops quite normally, which means attaining sexual maturity. Their sexual sphere, developed properly on the physical and psychical level, strives for fulfillment in contact with another person. On the other hand, their being mentally undeveloped, resulting in social immaturity and inability to face the responsibilities of being a parent or a spouse (e.g. raising children, maintaining the family, solving family problems) becomes a serious obstacle in establishing a family. It is difficult to unequivocally decide about the justification for the existence of families in the case of people with a profound mental retardation. However, nowadays it is being discussed more and more frequently. We can observe different kinds of approach to the seriously handicapped. In this article, the author tries to shed some light on the most recent opinions in the discussion on the model of living in the case of the seriously handicapped. The author also tries to evaluate the opinions on the ground of Christian philosophy and makes reference to the research of Kazimiera Nowak-Lipińska – a researcher at the Gdańsk University – published in some of her works. The article is intended as one more voice reminding us about the important subject of marriages between the seriously handicapped.
  • Miniatura
    Psychopedagogiczne uwarunkowania rozwoju mowy u dziecka
    Zalewska, Sabina (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    Współczesne dylematy edukacyjne
    Cichosz, Wojciech (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
    Nowadays nobody doubts that teachers and tutors are marked by fate in some special way. These are not only „non-verbal” ornaments or meaningless words because taking up a teacher’s or tutor’s vocation itself, is an extremely important, delicate and responsible question. Being a teacher is first of all realizing that we have got an enormous gift, and making use of it in one’s life is a personal responsibility for oneself and for the other man. Being an educator, I strongly believe that certain authorities both in Poland and in Europe were historically and culturally given to people together with their position. Regardless of fulfiling the teacher’s, priest’s or policeman’s vocation, one had a certain social status. It was like that only yesterday but it isn’t so today because „today” became history. Nowadays the authority is not defined by a habit, law, decrees or by working in some particular institution. It’s defined by our own humanity. A strong position at school has to be worked out by teachers themselves and by the way they „fulfil” being teachers and tutors. Everybody goes back in their mind to some teachers’ personalities which appeared in our lives. It happens very often that the credit for our success and scientific achievements goes to some brilliant teacher or tutor who was a great educator with a passion. Taking for the consideration the teacher’s ethos and responsibility, we reach the conclusion that he or she was fantastic and really made the truth in love. A statement that school does not educate nowadays, is not true. I f we change the lyrics of Jerzy Stuhr’s song, we can state: everybody can educate, one better and the other can do it worse..., nevertheless, school does educate. And it may happen that one school educates bitter than the other. Could it be a bitter justification of Jean Jacques Rousseau’s words: Everything is good when it comes out of the Creator’s hands but i t becomes distorted in human hands? The word passion (my article’s title) is very crucial here. It may be understood both as giving from oneselves or as experiencing some torment. At school, there are three entities which educate and are being educated: first of all – a student, because i f there were no student, there would be no school; second of all – a parent and it is only the third location where we find a teacher. After the teacher, there come institutions that manage schools: educational board, headmaster, territorial profile, department of education, ministry. The educator’s role, although it has got only the third location, is extremely vital, because this is the educator who takes care of the most important entity-object in the whole educational process: the student. Undoubtedly, teaching results says a lot about the quality of teaching itself, but it is far more probable that the non-modernist, immeasurable sphere gives the greatest satisfaction of all. The truth is that the most satisfying moments are when some naughty student who is causing a lot of educational problems and seems to be „lost”, finally finds the right track. Such a success is completely immeasurable and rarely reflected in some materialistic sphere, high position in a school ranking or in a letter of commendation. In order to reach the teacher’s work’s aim, not only should one aim to all great measurable results, but to educational results, as well. These educational aims should be perceived in terms of the three entities: educating and being educated: a child, parent and school. And even if this work isn’t appreciated at the moment, we must not forget that a real joy for a real educator is the fact that: the Republic is going to be like the education of young people is (J. Zamoyski, 1595). A good teacher, make the truth in love.
  • Miniatura
    Dobro wspólne jako cel uniwersytetu
    Meller, Jacek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
    In the paper “university” is recognised as a community and institution where all sciences, humanities and arts are lectured. As every community has its own specific aim, called “common good”, the goal of university could be showed, too. Charters of University of Gdańsk and some colleges located in that city were collected and examined. The first and the most essential aim of university is to educate its students and lecturers. They should become self-reliant researchers and reliable citizens. Secondly, university cooperates with local community and with a state in economical and social development. Thirdly, it supports research and freedom of speech. Thus, every aim of university is connected with human being and its personal and social development. “Common good” of university is a person: rational and free being.
  • Miniatura
    Błędne koncepcje rozumu w świetle encykliki „Fides et ratio” Jana Pawła II
    Bała, Maciej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    Konflikt między rozumem a Objawieniem
    Bała, Maciej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    Spór o zasadę weryfikacji
    Bała, Maciej (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    Sakrament namaszczenia chorych i troska o człowieka cierpiącego w diecezji gdańskiej
    Paracki, Mirosław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    Aspekty wychowania według I Synodu Gdańskiego
    Jażdżewski, Leszek (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
  • Miniatura
    Taksa za posługi duszpasterskie w archidiakonacie pomorskim w XVII – XVIII w.
    Kropidłowski, Zdzisław (Kuria Metropolitalna Gdańska, 2003)
    Until recently an official fee for priestly services in the Pomerania region between 16th and 18th c. was not known. The author discovered it at the archives of Chełm Diocese in Pelplin. It contains rates for the congregation for such ministerial services as baptism, wedding ceremony, funeral services and Easter confession; also those paid for a priest’s visit at Christmas time or blessing of food at Easter. It also included tithes. The church authorities saw a need to establish rates for liturgical services and maintaining of priests and other church staff so that those worshippers who asked a priest for ministrations were not dissatisfied with too high fees while ministers and consistory officials could make an adequate living on them. A rise in prices and earnings would tempt the clergy to raise fees for church services; this, in turn, would cause dissatisfaction among the congregation members; a fixed rate prevented the church against such complaints.