Projekt nowego prawa o instytutach życia konsekrowanego

dc.contributor.authorBakalarz, Józef
dc.description.abstractA document entitled “Schema canonum de inslitutis vitae consecratae per professionem consiliorum evangelicorum” constitutes another effect of the activities of the Papal Commission for the Revision of the Code of Canon Law. I. The revised law of institutes of consecrated life is founded upon decrees of the Vatican Council II, documents of post-conciliar legisaltion as well as special rules developed by the Commission determining the trends of revision within Church legislation in this field. II. The draft of the new law deals with consecrated life of all types, i.e. religious institutes, apostolic associations and lay institutes. In spite of the increased scope it consists of only 126 canons as opposed to the 194 canons of the parallel bode treaty, this being due to the developed particular legislation of instututes proposed by the new law. The scheme is divided into two parts. The first part deals with discipline common for all types of institutes while the second part includes norms determining specific character of different institutes as well as principles of accomodating common rules to particular types of institutes. III. The rules of the scheme differ from those of the Code in respect of form, scope, value and character. They change the very concept of consecrated life as well as typology and discipline of institutes. Concerning the relationship of institutes and the Church authorities the draft lays down two seemingly contradictory rules: the subordination of institutes and their autonomy. Extension of the present autonomy is visible in the limited number of interventions by the Church authorities in the common affairs of institutes and the increased power of the superiors and chapters within institutes themselves. The scheme reduces to the minimum the discipline concerning confessors, administration of material possessions, admittance and formation of institute members. As far as the profession is concerned the draft does not determine the subject of evengelical counsel, the resulting duties or the legal value of acts opposing vows or other ties. Similarly the draft reduces and unifies the discipline concerning moving to another institute, leaving the institute or expulsion from it. Legal dispensation or expulsion is to cause ipso facto the dissolution of the proffession or cessation of the involved rights and duties. A number of Code rules are absent in the draft. Some are considered obsolete while others are left to particular institutes to determine. IV. The proposed reform aims to spiritualize, unify and simplify the present legislation. The suggested rules permit to adapt general discipline to different institutes, both rigorous and lenient since they consider their nature, aim and character. Apart from numerous advantages the scheme reveals certain deficiencies which should be avoided in the final version of the new law.pl_PL
dc.identifier.citationRoczniki Teologiczno-Kanoniczne, 1978, T. 25, z. 5, s. 105-117.pl_PL
dc.publisherWydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiegopl_PL
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Poland*
dc.subjectprawo kanonicznepl_PL
dc.subjectcanon lawpl_PL
dc.subjectżycie konsekrowanepl_PL
dc.subjectconsecrated lifepl_PL
dc.subjectosoby konsekrowanepl_PL
dc.subjectconsecrated personspl_PL
dc.subjectinstytuty życia konsekrowanegopl_PL
dc.subjectinstitutes of consecrated lifepl_PL
dc.subjectKodeks Prawa Kanonicznegopl_PL
dc.subjectdokumenty Kościołapl_PL
dc.subjectrewizja prawa kanonicznegopl_PL
dc.subjectrevision of canon lawpl_PL
dc.subjectCode of Canon Lawpl_PL
dc.subjectPapieska Komisja do Spraw Rewizji Kodeksu Prawa Kanonicznegopl_PL
dc.subjectPontifical Commission for the Revision of the Code of Canon Lawpl_PL
dc.titleProjekt nowego prawa o instytutach życia konsekrowanegopl_PL
dc.title.alternativeThe draft of the new law of institutes of consecrated lifepl_PL


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