Interpretacje ratyzbońskiego przemówienia Benedykta XVI




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Gdańskie Seminarium Duchowne


The speech made by Benedict XVI at Ratyzbon University provoked various responses in the non-Catholic circles (the Islams, the community of the Protestant faith as well as the circle of secular intellectuals). It was interpreted and criticized in many different aspects while Pope's main postulate is described in the appeal to combine all the effort, especially at universities, to be able to find the truth. It demands reintroducing the proper position of theology at universities. This will create the best and integral image of a man and the widest sphere of the culture and outlook on life dialogue including religious elements.


Słowa kluczowe

Benedykt XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, papieże, przemówienia, religia, nauka, prawda, poszukiwanie prawdy, teologia, nawracanie, wiara, dialog, odrzucenie przemocy, interpretacja, dialog międzyreligijny, chrześcijaństwo, islam, mentalność religijno-społeczna, muzułmanie, protestantyzm, Benedict XVI, popes, speeches, religion, science, study, truth, search for truth, theology, conversion, faith, dialogue, rejection of violence, interpretation, interreligious dialogue, Christianity, religious-social mentality, Muslims, Protestantism


Studia Gdańskie, 2009, T. 24, s. 85-95.


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