Akceptacja prawd religijnych a układ potrzeb psychicznych




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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie


The objective of this exploration is to analyse the relation between the acceptance (complete or selective) of the tenet system within the Christian religion and the structure of needs. The Scale of Consistency of Religious Beliefs, worked out by the author of his article, was used to estimate the acceptance of religious beliefs. The structure of needs was tested by means of the Stern Activities Index. In order to verify the hypothesis about existence of such relations the groups of complete and selective acceptance of the basic fields of religious doctrines (theocentric, christocentric, eschatic and ecclesiastical) were compared according to the intensity of Stern’s 24 needs. As a result it was discovered that significant differences of needs intensity existed between groups of complete and selective (incomplete) acceptance belonging to already mentioned doctrinal fields: 1) theocentric — in the range of needs: Humanism, Pragmatism, Energy, Passivity, Nurturance, Rejection, Sentience, Narcism, Succordance, Autonomy, Abasement, Objectivity, Projectivity, Ego Archievement, 2) christocentric — in the range of needs: Energy, Passivity, Nurturance, Succordance, Autonomy, Objectivity, Projectivity, Play, Change, Sameness, 3) eschatic — in needs: Pragmatism, Energy, Passivity, Rejection, Narcism, Abasement, Objectivity, Projectivity, Sameness, Ego Achievement, 4) ecclesiastical — needs: Humanism, Pragmatism, Energy, Passivity, Conjuctivity, Disjunctivity, Deference, Nurturance, Rejection, Harmavoidance, Achievement, Succordance, Autonomy, Play, Change, Sameness, Ego Achievement. It was also identified that the correlation between acceptance of religious doctrines and need structure is conditioned by the language in which they are expressed.


Zawiera tabele.

Słowa kluczowe

religia, prawdy religijne, przekonania religijne, prawdy wiary, religijność, religijność selektywna, wiara, system doktrynalny religii chrześcijańskiej, chrześcijaństwo, doktryna, duchowość, Kościół, życie religijne, psychologia, nauki społeczne, potrzeby, wartości, heterodoksja, ortodoksja religijna, badania, religion, religious truths, religious beliefs, truths of faith, religiousness, selective religiousness, faith, doctrinal system of the Christian religion, Christianity, doctrine, spirituality, Church, religious life, psychology, social sciences, needs, values, heterodoxy, religious orthodoxy, research


Analecta Cracoviensia, 1994, T. 26, s. 3-21.


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