Anagogia personalistyczna jako metoda teologiczna ujmująca integralnie jedność i wielość




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Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu


Anagogia is a method applied universally, in all religions and in all Christian currents. In the orthodox current which is connected with the model of the integral thinking, this method should consider all resulting requirements from the need to combine the multitude and unities. The directness of the cognition cannot indicate washing away, foiling the autonomy, the wealth of the multitude of aspects of incorporating the mystery and depths of multiple relations. The human person is meeting God in the integral way. not only at the road of action of the intellect, but by personal meeting. The intellectual cognition is taking place with effort of the human mind, through the analogy or thanks to the God’s light, thanks to illumination, through intuitions. The other determined way is a date anagogia. This way isn’t narrowing to the intellectual plain but he is extending to the entire person. Anagogia is a direct meeting of the man with God, embracing the whole of the human person. The Greek anágo word means essentially leading out to the high by somebody else means. In the biblical exegesis the researcher is deducing the more solemn meaning from the text, in the contemplative life God is taking the man out to the high with divine power, not pulling the man to oneself. In particular the God the Father led the Jesus out from among the departed. Officially in the XIII century in theology the mind already won the intuition, the intellectual cognition became highly more valued than the anagogical cognition, embracing the entire human person experiencing reality directly, but inaccurately, in the elusive way which won’t be given to take hold with the help of dense reasoning. Anagogia returned only in the 20th century together with the current from the revival causing the II Vatican Council to Catholic theology. A necessity of the return to the mysticism uniting world with God was emphasized. The analogy demands the precise method exploiting the intellect, anagogia is giving the intellectual precision up. As a result it is easy to reach the vague, complicated situation which is turning into subconscious, not to say conscious leaving the orthodoxy, with the pantheism or even an atheism, in which God can be only intellectual with the sign, the empty name, only a human idea which the human mind is dominating. In order to protect oneself from this danger, they must reinforce the philosophical basis of their theological reflection. Otherwise instead of to search for living God, instead of to work above cleaning and the development of the theological system in order to create the organic comprehensive model, they will be to enter the sheer mysticism, into radical apofatyzm, reaching to abstract one, which isn’t taking place in on any multitude and the diversity. A research conduct limiting itself only to objects is improper unity, tom away from the whole, also a conduct of the escape is improper from the multitude. Both extreme attitudes aren’t attesting to the Gospel. In both accidents an escape is taking place from the height of the truth, from the real life. Still it is necessary to use possessions for both currents winding on constantly in the history of the human thought, building integral theology, fully adequate to manifest requirements, reading out like best God’s Truth in order with it fully to unite.


Słowa kluczowe

anagogia, anagogia personalistyczna, filozofia, teologia, jedność, wielość, poznanie Boga, Bóg, poznanie, wiara, rozum, sens duchowy, egzegeza, egzegeza biblijna, mistyka, teologia mistyczna, poznanie anagogiczne, chrześcijańskie poznanie anagogiczne, personalizm, chrześcijaństwo, anagogia chrześcijańska, starożytność, średniowiecze, wczesne chrześcijaństwo, filozofia arabska, średniowieczna filozofia arabska, anagogy, personalistic anagogy, philosophy, theology, unity, multitude, cognition of God, God, cognition, faith, reason, spiritual sense, exegesis, biblical exegesis, mysticism, mystical theology, anagogical cognition, Christian anagogical cognition, personalism, Christianity, Christian anagogy, antiquity, Middle Ages, early Christianity, Arabic philosophy, medieval Arabic philosophy, anágo


Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny, 2007, R. 15, Nr 1, s. 111-132.


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