Wychowanie religijne wsparciem osiągania dojrzałości osobowej




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Wydział Teologiczny Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego


Author of the article assumes that whenever questions of education are undertaken, apart from the definission of education that is accepted, they refer to a possibility to support pupils in becoming self-dependent, responsible and mature person. At the same time he notices an alarming phenomenon of ignoring describing proceses of achievieng by pupils personal maturity, which takes place in pedagogical literature. At the same time he ascertain that one of the pedagogical factor that support the proces of personal maturation is Religious Education, especially because of the fact that in education much more attention is given to the matter of discovering an answering for the question of „sense” of human life in surrounding world. The goal of the article was to take up a discussion about Religious Education and its capabilities and value for the process of achieving maturity. Reflections that were presented by the author seem to justify the rightness of invoking and basing in education on belief that is holded by the human being. On the strenght of such assumptions a need of conversant knowledge about the essence of belief is brought into relief, for perfunctory, incomlete and sometimes even andulterated knowledge about it may compose a menace for correct menager of educational proceses. The author is very particular about defining the place and the role of God in human life in the right way. Education that is based on proper understanding of the essence of faith is presented in new and more extensive dimension, which goes beyond limits of humanistic education. Thanks to Religious Education a person can discover her own greatness and dignity in a new way and also can accept that God certify her greatness in whole eternity. Furthermore, dignity that is discoverd in this way gives, through the mediation of Religious Education, a new sense of human life, which ich now marked by the immortality, everlasting life.


Słowa kluczowe

wychowanie, wychowanie religijne, pedagogika, socjologia, psychologia, osobowość, dojrzałość, antropologia, antropologia chrześcijańska, godność, wartości, sakramenty, sociology, psychology, personality, pedagogy, dignity, sacraments, education, values


Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana, 2004, nr 2, s. 73-81.


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