Badania nad modelem rodziny
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Wydawnictwo Naukowe Papieskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Krakowie
Demometric analysis of the model of the family is discussed in the paper. The data has been taken from the records of St. Margaret Parish (Roman Catholic) in Trzciana, covering the years 1924—1988. Initially 120 married couples were considered, but finally 100 had been selected — those in which a wife lived at least 50 years, without being a widow in the meantime. Demometric model has been estimated, explaining the relation between number of children in the family and the ages of mother and father. The next one explains the relation between parents age and birth order. Protogenetic and intergenetic intervals have also been considered. Results are close to those obtained by R. Pressât. Analysed relations are consistent with general regularities observed in demographic processes.
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Słowa kluczowe
rodzina, badania, demografia, polityka rozwoju ludności, ludność, socjologia, społeczeństwo, rozwój demograficzny, analiza, model rodziny, metryki parafialne, family, research, demography, population development policy, population, sociology, society, demographic development, analysis, family model, parish metrics
Analecta Cracoviensia, 1995, T. 27, s. 57-64.
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