Cud w nauczaniu Marcina Lutra




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Wydawnictwo Towarzystwa Naukowego Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego


The Catholic apologetics thought that Martin Luther, the creator of the Reformation, while rejecting all rational foundations of faith, not only put into question the argument from miracle but also negated the very reality of miracle as well as whatever sensibleness it had. Luther, being under the influence of voluntarism and affectionism of his masters as well as under the influence of nominalism, opposed to radical rationalism, to sermonizing and folk tales on the „oddities” which took place in the Christian religion and to the trade of relics for the taumaturgical purposes. Thus he negated miracle as an extraordinary external event, even though it bore the transcendental character. He entirely subjectivized the concept of miracle (initially he accepted physical miracles and their motivative function. He wanted to restore miracle to its religious significance, hence he emphasized the so-called inner miracles which were the only ones that he accepted. They are as follows: a miracle of faith and absolution which are always linked with the word of God and grace. Their function is to point at the Gospel as the living word of the Lord who forgives our sins. The view that Luther totally rejected miracles is not right; he understood them differently. In proportion as the then theology and Church practice laid too much stress on the ontic side of miracle, so much Luther laid too much stress on its inner side, disregarding the external one. From the point of view of contemporary fundamental theology which takes miracle in terms of God's token, one can notice that Luther laid stress on the religious and theological significance of miracle, its Christocentrism and soteriological character, though as a whole his views cannot be accepted. Apart from that, it is worth studying them because they have a great ecumenical importance.


Tłumaczenie streszczenia / Translated by Jan Kłos.

Słowa kluczowe

funkcje cudu, objawienie, wiara, nauczanie Marcina Lutra, Marcin Luter, protestantyzm, luteranizm, teologia, teologia protestancka, cuda, functions of miracle, revelation, faith, Martin Luther's teaching, Martin Luther, Protestantism, Lutheranism, theology, Protestant theology, miracles, ekumenizm, ecumenism


Roczniki Teologiczne, 1991-1992, T. 38-39, z. 2, s. 27-40.


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